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Hunters Veterans and their PSD’s

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To all of you veteran hunters. I get a kick out of watching you waist your portable signal detectors on me. When you ping me I move and watch and see if I can reverse the kill. Many times when you can’t find me you will waist another PSD and if you are to close for me to move then I simply leave game and laugh at the resources you just wasted for nothing and I relish the thought that others are safe from your PSD in that match because you waisted them on me. The PSD seriously needs to be removed all together from this game or it needs to be downgraded to a white plan as well as lower the cost of making them so new players stand a chance against these azzholes that are running new players off. Same goes for armor, it needs to be a white plan to level the playing field across the board or remove it. If you want this game to survive and grow then fix this junk and stop the hate on new players!

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