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[_unit, currentWeapon _unit] remoteExecCall ["CBA_fnc_dropWeapon", 0] not working for server

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Hi guys,


I ´m having the problem with CBA_fnc_dropWeapon in MP. When a server host executes the function (included in _unit addAction), both the host and the client sees the proper action. But when the client executes the action, then CBA_fnc_dropWeapon works only for the client, but not for the server host.


I have tried numerous ways like:

private _odhod = [_unit, currentWeapon _unit] remoteExecCall ["CBA_fnc_dropWeapon", 0]; //for client works properly, doesn't work for server

private _odhod = [_unit, currentWeapon _unit] remoteExec ["CBA_fnc_dropWeapon", 0]; // not working at all

_odhod = [_unit, currentWeapon _unit] call CBA_fnc_dropWeapon; // only executer sees the action 

[-2, {[_unit, currentWeapon _unit] call CBA_fnc_dropWeapon}] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute; // there I should need to pass _unit variable, since I run it through CBA Extended_InitPost_EventHandlers


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Internally the function uses switchMove which takes a local argument. So you have to execute the function on the player's PC whose weapon should be dropped. All other commands in that function are already global so no need to execute it for everyone (0).

[_unit, currentWeapon _unit] remoteExecCall ["CBA_fnc_dropWeapon", _unit];


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Thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work either. Works for the server, but client doesnt see the _unit dropping a weapon.

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