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"Create-Your-Own-Billboard!" to be featured in my Terrain!

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Hi! I am the developer behind this project.

I am looking for any graphic designers or artwork creators interested in volunteering their artistic abilities for creating a billboard to be featured in my terrain. I am hoping to release the terrain sometime December this year.

The advertisements can be about anything whether based on in-game franchises, corporations, or conglomerates and items - to made-up fictional things. You will be credited for your work and are allowed to sign your own creation visually in a way that is convincing for the advert.
See: https://armedassault.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Companies

The requirements are as follow:
-All images must be of YOUR OWN intellectual work, and they must be made ad hoc for this purpose.
-You can make and design screenshots, or solely design.
-Images are to be done ONLY in 2048x1024px resolution.
-NO fourth wall breaking.
-It is recommended to use the Aceh Darusalam font, but exceptions can be made!

If you have questions, or wanna make sure your design is OK with me before starting work, feel free to message me. 
You can contact me here, or on Discord as Vectif#6895 or on STEAM.

Thank you and have a good one!

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