Artkyom 0 Posted November 8, 2021 Hi, I'm currently making a building in multiple part and i'm wondering how to make the parts automaticaly snap together when you approach them in Eden Editor. This system is currently used by the Art Of War DLC "Lars Blanken" Gallery (demonstration in the MP4) but i didn't find any other A3 building that do that. I did find this topic talking about it (i guess) but after trying the "snap-points" technique given at the end, it didn't work at all. Maybe i missed something to add in config ? AOW Gallery Snapping exemple : Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reyhard 2082 Posted November 8, 2021 Hi, beside AoW gallery, there are also Military Cargo Platforms (introduced with Contact DLC) which have similar functionality. This whole feature is scripted and it is using Eden event handlers and it doesn't have anything in common with Terrain Builder snap points mentioned in topic linked by you. Below you can find an example how function is plugged in to the object class GalleryInterior_01_Base_F : House { [...] class EventHandlers { dragged3DEN = "_this call bis_fnc_gallery_01_update;"; }; }; and then there is function /* bis_fnc_gallery_01_update Snap gallery rooms to each other */ params["_object"]; // If there is another gallery room nearby then try to snap to it // First we have to wait till dragging is completed if(current3DENOperation isEqualTo "")then { private _nearbyObjects = nearestObjects [_object, ["GalleryInterior_01_Base_F"], 50]; _nearbyObjects = _nearbyObjects - [_object]; if(!(_nearbyObjects isEqualTo []))then { private _pos = getposASL _object; // Itterate through all nearby objects - this dictated by the fact that gallery objects are fairly large and the closest object from the bound center might not be the right one { private _nearestObject = _x; // Search for available snap points private _snapPointsParent = []; for "_i" from 1 to 3 do { _snapPoint = (_object modelToWorldVisual (_object selectionPosition format["snap_%1",_i])); if(_snapPoint isEqualTo [0,0,0])exitWith{}; _snapPointsParent pushBack _snapPoint; }; if(!(_snapPointsParent isEqualTo []))then { for "_i" from 1 to 3 do { _snapPoint = _nearestObject modelToWorldVisual (_nearestObject selectionPosition format["snap_%1",_i]); if(_snapPoint isEqualTo [0,0,0])exitWith{}; { // Continue if snap points are found if(_snapPoint distance _x <= 3)exitWith { // Reconvert to model space due to dir change _posModel = _object worldToModel _x; // Adjust direction _dirTo = getDir _nearestObject - 360; _dirObject = getDir _object; _dir = _dirTo; for "_i" from 0 to 7 do { _dir = _dirTo + _i * 90; if(abs(_dir - _dirObject) < 45)then { _i = 10; }; }; _object set3DENAttribute ["rotation",[0,0, _dir]]; // Recalc position in case direction was changed _x = _object modelToWorldVisual _posModel; // Transform position _pos = _pos vectorDiff (_x vectorDiff _snapPoint); _pos = [_pos # 0, _pos # 1, (getposASL (_nearbyObjects # 0)) # 2]; //systemChat format["pos found %1",_pos]; // Snap to position _object set3DENAttribute ["position",ASLToATL _pos]; // Exit "for" loop _i = 10; }; }forEach _snapPointsParent; }; }; }forEach _nearbyObjects; }; }; As you might see, this function is very specific to the gallery object so you will need to create a new variant for your specific building. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Artkyom 0 Posted November 8, 2021 Thank you very much for your help, I really couldn't ask for more ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites