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State of the games industry

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Having just played the new Unreal game (sorry guys but I was a big fan of the orginal game before seeing the error of my ways by playing Flashpoint), and turns it out its all eye Candy, point shoot, point shoot. I vented my rage over at the Unreal 2 forum, and saw many other people becrying the lack of gamplay and imagination.

The fact that Unreal 2 was lacking in imagination and bugs (been in development for many years) got me thinking about the whole games industry at the moment, especially with a new flood of FPS coming out soon, Black Hawk Down, Unreal 2, Doom III and Project IGI. It seems that gameplay is still not in developers minds, apart from Flashpoint I can't think of a challenging and revolutionary type of game in terms of gameplay since Half-Life.

The lack of support for these heavily beta-stage games that get released at the moment, emphasis on graphics not gameplay and the high-price for a PC games seems to me as a damning indictment of the games industry.

Maybe I'm wrong, would be great if others were to share their viewpoints on this, or let me know about some very playable games out there that are getting ignored.



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This should've gone in Offtopic, but you make some good points. As gaming has become a bigger and bigger business, developers have stopped thinking in creative or quality terms, and more about what will make them the most money. Luckily, there's still developers out there (like BIS) who can buck the trend, but because they aren't interested in catering to the mainstream (the same mainstream that made the Sims and its many patches -I mean expansion packs- the best-selling game ever), they will never get the success or support they deserve.

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Totally agree, the other thing as well, the type of people that buy the big selling titles aren't intersted in actually playing a mission like Assasination in Red Hammer (Just an example) with one save point, because its too testing.

With our 15 minute segment society, patience and mental thinking is not thought of highly. The amount of wasted Cd's and plastic that has gone to make up the games industry is shocking.

The Sims fragged and body bagged would be nice site, he, he, he!

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