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Weighting and skeletons, clarification needed

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I have been learning 3D modeling for some time now, and I'm getting quite familiar with Blender and the workflow until rigging and skinning. So I decided it could be "fun" to finally try to bring a 3D model in-game, so I quickly made a retopology for 3D scanned balaclava I had bought from CGTrader a while ago, as it is easy to start over if something goes wrong. 


But the problem is that I have been learning so much stuff lately that my brain has ceased working. I now have low poly 3D model with baked maps, but I'm not sure how to proceed. 


1. This step is pretty clear to me. I need to create LODs, shadow LOD and ViewPilot. How many LOD levels there should be for headgear/facewear? 


2. Presumably I need to weight the model and somehow make it work with Arma III skeleton. This is the biggest roadblock atm. 


I have a vague idea how to weight paint and create armature, but shouldn't I have to use Arma III skeleton instead of creating a custom one? Is there a way to import Arma III skeleton to Blender or alternatively transfer weights to Arma III skeleton when you import the model to O2? How all of this is supposed to work? 


I would really appreciate some insight to this. 


E: Is ArmaRig what I need? The Armaholic download link was broken and Malwarebytes was not happy about the GitHub link, so I forgot about that tool completely. The description in the "Utilities & Tools" thread says the following: "Rigged and weighted character reference and proxies. Ik and pole targets. Constraints linked to actions for control of arm twist and hand open/close."


E2: So, I can use ArmaRig to test the weighting with Arma III skeleton? And then export the model and assign it to correct bones in O2 (in this case, head and neck presumably)? 


3. Configure it. Do I need to create something else besides model.cfg, config.cpp and .rvmat files? These might be famous last words, but this step should not be a huge issue, as the wiki article seems thorough enough and you can always look for reference. 


Thank you in advance! 

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