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Cheaters / modders

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I was upstairs in a house (no windows nearby), player shoots me through the walls from a few hundred feet. One hit kill. I'm aware you can kill with shots through the wall, but not like that. Especially with no signal detectors or any idea I was there as I had been laying there a very long time.


So I proceeded to watch player (cancerNoBuenoTTV) walk around getting the crap shot out of him, very little health if any goes down. I'm aware of armor plates and no he wasn't wearing one. Dude wipe out the whole lobby, hundreds of bullets in him. Majority of his kills where impossible due to distance and obstructions. Anyone know how to contact the developers about this? People like this ruin a good game and need to be banned. 


Reported to PlayStation in hopes he loses his online account. Want to contact developers to make sure of it. 

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CancerNoBueno streams Vigor regularly on twitch.  You can watch his stream.  He plays the same way as you describe... pushes most enemies aggressively and gets a lot of kills.  IMO, he's just a pretty good player.  It's possible he saw you pass by a window in a building a fired some shots in the off chance he might get a lucky kill or do some damage.  I've watched his stream.  I don't think he's cheating.

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