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Helicopter Man

AI Shooting Through Composition Walls

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I am attempting to make a fun mission for me and my friends based on the movie  "The Rock".  I found a good composition on Steam that features all that I need, including an underground passage.  Whenever I enter the passageway a majority of the AI OPFOR units fire on me despite not seeing me.  I would also like to note that all of the objects are have simulation disabled and that I am using the LAMBs set of mods for AI improvement, but also RHS, ACE, Enhanced Movement, and 3den Enhanced that might also be causing the AI to act this way.  

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On 9/21/2021 at 10:34 PM, Helicopter Man said:

I would also like to note that all of the objects are have simulation disabled

Doesn't that make the AI see through the objects and as such be able to fire through them? If I'm right, that is your issue right there...

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