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Aa firing on ground targets

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I was just building the config.cpp for a M6 Linebacker Air Defense Vehicle (from M2A2 Bradley, seems that this vehicle already exists somewhere, but I'm to far in the cpp fr stopping, now wink.gif ).

It has a 4 Stinger AA missile launcher and the usual 25mm cannon, the later being used against air or ground targets.

So that Stinger should be preferred over canon against air targets, I tweaked on the min/mid/maxRangeProbab parameter with fairly good results (missile engagement down to 1500m, after what the AI switches to canon), but a problem appears against ground targets, which are engaged using Stinger...  crazy.gif

How can I prevent an airLock type weapon from being used against ground targets, without messing with rangProbab parameter? I tried to disable ground engagement with irScanGround=false, but no go sad.gif .


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I have a solution for you but your unit will never engage soldiers..

put that line in your class yourvehicle in CfgVehicles section :

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">threat[]={0.0,0.3,0.8};<span id='postcolor'>

it's how your unit engage ennemis (Soldier,Tank,Air)

Hope it's what you need.

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I'll give it a try...

I though this command was to indicate the threat posed by the vehicle to other vehicles, but it seems it is the opposite, it indicates how the vehicle should react too diff types of threat.

Why should VSoft be to 0? As missile won't lock on soldiers, it should only fire with canon, or am I wrong?


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I think you're right, but it's in CfgVehicles and not in CfgWeapons or Ammo and give to all weapons the same threat.  confused.gif

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