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Climbing ladder tp script

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I'm trying to set up a location where climbing down a ladder into  basement area, teleports players to location off map where I've built an underground bunker.  Rather than just drop them at the base of the underground ladder, I'd like to position them on the ladder to finish the climb down.  I can't get "ladderdown" to work. Is it still valid or a legacy Arma2 action that no longer functions? 

I found this on the Steam forum but am having problems pulling it apart and working out what it's doing to refit it for my purposes: 

this addAction ["Climb Down",{player action ["LadderDown",nearestObject[player,"Land_ladder_half_EP1"],0,1]},[],2,true,true,"","(getPosATL player select 2) > 25",15,false];

The first part is fairly straight forward, but then there are these extra arguments at the end : [],2,true,true,"","(getPosATL player select 2) > 25",15,false];


Can anyone unpack what this is trying to do? 
Or just point me in the direction of something that works?

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