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How to rearm your infantry squad in Warfare mode?

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In Warfare scenario, how can I rearm my platoon elements individually? In example, I need to rearm the AT Specialists and the Sniper, and I can't find a way to do it. 

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If a vehicle (or other object) has ammo stored in its gear, move your units there and then one by one, highlight one, select "action", and order them to rearm from it, same as you would have them rearm from a dead body or crate.  Has to be done individually.  When they're done, you might have to order them to report status to change a unit's icon from orange back to green.  But the right ammo has to be there for them to rearm with.


When around a purchase point (factory, depot or camp), selecting the units might provide them with a "buy weapons" or "buy ammo" option, but I can't recall if that works, I think only a team leader can purchase anything, team members don't have access to the team funds.


Basically, purchase gear for their rearm and store it, either in your team vehicle, or another vehicle on hand, and have them rearm from there; or have them rearm at an ammo truck, or rearm them from bodies of dead friendlies, stuff like that.

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