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Create Airports in Warfare

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Is it possible in "warfare" to create airports, or create airplanes in some other way? Because it appears in the menu to buy units, but it is never available, and I suppose that it will open up to create an airport.

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In Warfare (WF) missions, Airports are captured in the same manner as towns, they don't get created or purchased during gameplay.  They get placed in the map when the mission is created in editor by the person making the mission; so a mission will either have airports or it won't.


An airport is a fixed structure which serves as a factory, not a factory a commander can build.  In the same manner captured town depots provide a menu to heal, rearm, refuel, etc., or captured camps provide a menu for static defenses and gear, an airport structure gets captured, then provides a menu for buying fixed-wing aircraft.


- In Arma2 (A2), I'm aware of two WF missions that have capturable Airports set up in them; Bear Rising, and Superpowers.  The other missions (as I recall) don't.

- In Op Arrowhead (OA) the WF missions have no capturable airports set up (likely because in OA standalone, the hangar used by Warfare is not available in editor).

- But when playing Combined Ops (A2 + OA combined), the A2 hangar becomes present in the editor, so a mission maker can use it to make capturable WF airports on the OA maps.


As far as the menu you mention that opens up, you are likely seeing the icon for a fixed-wing aircraft.  It's for purchasing an airplane, and is always greyed out unless you are at an airport your side has captured.  When there, you will see a list of fixed-wing aircraft you can buy.  Unless however, you play side Resistance; in the base game (no mods used), Resistance have no fixed-wing aircraft configured as available to them, and their list is empty.


So in short summary, there are two scenario missions from A2 that have capturable airports set up for buying fixed-wing aircraft, otherwise you have to make a mission from scratch and set up any airports you desire. 


Hope this helps.

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