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Erwan Mayers

Co 04 Element of Surprise (no mod needed)

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Hello everybody,
I wanted to share a small mission i did for the fun of it. Nothing spectacular, a coop mission for up to 4 players.


A coalition including Russia just invaded Agia Marina surprising the blufor military presence.
A Russian satellite made pictures of a blufor convoy moving to reinforce a position west of the stratis Air station.
A team of four russian soldiers from the special forces are ordered to stop this convoy thanks to a blufor captured hummingbird:

1 Fly to the Air station and kill all blufor soldiers there
2 Plant bombs on the road nearby and destroy part of the convoy (the two tanks and the fuel truck)
3 Escape and extract by a waiting chopper north-east of the Air station.


BangaBob, JohnnyBoy, Genesis92x, Moerderhoschi, Feuerex, RueLight, White Raven, Pumpkin (jackfrench) and all persons who i forget sharing their time and passion
Thanks to Flav for the music he made.
(Thanks also to the armaholic site.)

(Any review and advice would be helpful 😃, it's only my third mission)

Revive & respawn (in the ai mates)

no mod needed

co04ElementOfSurprise V1



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