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Game Description:  Enters the WWII battlefield assuming the paper of a Commander at the Front-line!

My Workshop Files: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198099475871/myworkshopfiles/

Discord: https://discord.gg/f7Ad39YZ


Game features

  • A Battlefield game style with Company of Heroes strategy game  elements;
  • Capture & hold territories and gain Resources by holding and upgrading them;
  • Manage resources and choose the right units to win,
  • AI system for single player and multiplayer game (AUTOBOTs);
  • Use the radio to recruit units and manage squads
  • Buy weapons, explosives and gadgets at base;
  • Spawn unlimited times and chose between lots of gears to play;
  • Use optionally "AI revive player" system.


To win the game you must capture all enemy territories, or hold the most of them, to drop enemy supplies down to zero.


In game personal menu:

Key (T): Build, troops and bases menu
Key (Y): Radio and autobots menu

For this manual, mission used:  "1944 Operation Overlord - Mission Boston": https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2253891745


How to play:

1 - Go to Workshop and subscribe any TERRITORY FIGHT mission: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198099475871/myworkshopfiles/

2 - Wait the mission downloads on STEAM and run ARMA3 with IFA3 AIO mod loaded

3 - Go to quick-play and start a multiplayer server

4 - Select the map and click over the mission name



1.    Lobby Screen: Configure Parameters

  • 1.1.           Starting Weather
  • 1.2.           Time of Day:
  • 1.3.           Start with AUTOBOT:
  • 1.4.           Allow AI revive PLAYER:
  • 1.5.           Allow edit enemy AUTOBOTs:
  • 1.6.           Starting resources
  • 1.7.           Starting Tickets
  • 1.8.           Starting Position
  • 1.9.           Flags Configuration
  • 1.10.       Faction Configuration

2.    Starting Game: Spawn Screen

  • 2.1.           Load-out

3.    The Base

  • 3.1.           Capturing enemy Base
  • 3.2.           Weapons buy menu

4.    The Flags

  • 4.1.           Flags Display
  • 4.2.           Flag Menu
  • 4.3.           Flag Buildings

5.    The Troops

  • 5.1.           Commanding Instances
  • 5.2.           Groups Managing commands
  • 5.3.           Recruiting Units
  • 5.4.           Requesting AUTOBOT Groups
  • 5.5.           Manage AUTOBOT Groups


1. Lobby Screen: Configure Parameters



1.1. Starting Weather:

The base weather template information is listed below:
Weather Types  (#)             [Can Move From/To]          [Settings: Overcast, Rain/Snow, Fog, WindEW, WindNS]
Clear                    (0)             [0,1,5]                                    [0.30,0,0,1,1]
Overcast             (1)             [0,1,2]                                    [0.50,0,0,2,2]
Light Rain           (2)             [1,2,3,5]                                 [0.60,0.3,0.05,3,3]
Medium Rain     (3)             [2,3,4]                                    [0.70,0.5,0.05,4,4]
Rainstorm          (4)             [3]                                          [0.80,0.9,0.1,5,5]
Light Fog            (5)             [0,2,5,6]                                 [0.40,0,[0.2,0.01,15],0,0]
Medium fog       (6)             [5,6,7]                                    [0.40,0,[0.4,0.005,30],0,0]
Dense Fog          (7)             [6]                                          [0.40,0,[0.6,0.0025,45],0,0]

1.2. Time of Day:

Morning       06:00

Clear day     12:00

Sundown     19:00

Night            01:00


1.3. Start with AUTOBOT:

BOTH SIDES:  Autobot stocks starts filled with troops requisitions for both sides

OFF:                 Autobot stocks starts empty both sides 

ALIES ONLY:   Allies Autobot stocks start filled with troops requisitions

AXIS ONLY:     Axis Autobot stocks start filled with troops requisitions

1.4. Allow AI revive PLAYER:

If turned on, when unconscious the closest same side soldier (AI) in a range of 100m will come to revive you.


1.5. Allow edit enemy AUTOBOTs:

Intended for single player, if turned on, troops menu will give access to enemy AUTOBOT stocks view and editing, very useful to create custom battles for single player and coop games.


1.6. Starting resources:

The amount of resources for each side at start: 50, 150 and 400.

Resources are used for buying troops, weapons, upgrade bases and more, income 5 per level each 10 seconds.

Sandbags always stats from zero, and are spent for building structures, upgrade flags and move base, income 1 per level each 10 seconds.


1.7. Starting Tickets:

The amount of tickets for both side at start: 500, 750 and 1000.

The side with less flags bleeds tickets at rate of 10 points each 10 seconds.

When tickets reaches 0 (zero) the side loses for lack of supplies.



1.8. Starting Position:

Switch factions starting sides for selected flags configuration. Example:



1.9. Flags Configuration:

These config parameter, changes the layout of Flags owner, level, amount and positions, that gives a wide range of battleground possibilities on a single mission file.




g04ViSsm.pngI0Pf3eMm.png  << Click on image to enlarge



1.10. Faction Configuration:

Changes completely the load-out for the side with the selected faction.

Units, vehicles, weapons, uniforms, equipment's, flags, etc...



2. Starting Game: Spawn Screen:

To select spawn point, left click over the flag point on the map, to spawn click over the "RESPAWN" button.  

Flags not captured yet, will be displayed on the map with a black circle with an "X" at its center.

Captured flags will be displayed with the faction flag with the actual level message on the right side.

All players have unlimited respawns, only side needs to own at least one flag.


All available spawn point are listed on the bottom left corner of the screen, click to select and focus the flag on the map.


2.1 Load-out

Each side has many types of load-out to choose:

For example, the German army may chose between Wehrmacht and Fallschimjager: Both with the same load-out options.

  • "Grenadier (Kar98k GW)"
  • "Machine-gunner (MG42)"
  • "Machine-gunner (MP44)"
  • "Rifleman (Kar98k)"
  • "RPzB soldier (Gerwager 43)"
  • "Submachinegunner (MP40)"
  • "Sniper (Kar98k ZF39)"


Player can select any load-out, free of any charge. Before, during battle, will be necessary to spend resources to change gears.


3. The Base:

The Base is marked on the map by an semi-circle, and visually identified by a table with radio and weapon crates pile.

Every requested troop spawns here. Can be transferred to other owned flag, once it is upgraded at leas to level 1.

At the base you can buy weapons, ammunition and equipment, accessing trough pressing "Y" while staying 2m or closer from weapon crates.



3.1. Capturing enemy Base

Once the Base is captured, the system will search for the closest friendly side flag, and automatically move the Base to its position.

If the Side has no more flags on its side, the team lost the Base, and at this moment the game ending counter will start with 60 seconds.

The losing team have 60 seconds to capture a flag and survive, once a flag is captured, the Base will re-appears.


3.2. Weapons buy menu

To activate the weapons buy menu, you must stay 2 meters or closer from the weapons crates, and press "Y" key.

Select the weapon clicking over its name, a picture and the price with description will appear at the right side.

Double click over the weapon name to buy it, if the resources are enough, the weapon will be immediately equipped.



A different weapons buy menu can be accessed through the crates actions menu "Open crates".



4. The Flags:

The flags are the most important game aspect. The game is won by capturing all flags, or holding the most of them until the enemy tickets drops to zero.

To capture the territories, at least one side unit must stay at 20 meters or closer form the flag for 15 seconds, the side with more units within these range will starts capture.



4.1. Flags Display

The flags display is located at the top right corner of the screen, shows all flags names and owner faction.

When a flag is been captured, a message is displayed left side of the flag name with counter to finish capture.

The neutral flags, with no faction defined, will be displayed as white.

If the flag is in dispute, with equal number of soldiers from each side, the "under siege" message will be displayed left side of the the flag name.



4.2. Flag Menu

The Flag menu button appears when the player is closer than 20m from the flag.

To open the flag menu press "T" key, then click at the Flag Menu button. The flag button displays the flag name and its actual level.

The upgrade button will rise the flag level by 1 point, to the limit of level 4, works only with enough resources available.

Transfer base button will work only on flags with level 1 or higher, spending the necessary resources, will work only if enough resources are available.



4.3. Flag Buildings

The flag buildings can be placed closer then 20m from the flag pole, roll the mouse over the picture to display name and cost, single click over the picture will start the placing mode.

By clicking at the building, will check for resources, once enough, the green arrow appears, aim at desired position and select the action "place item", then the direction arrow appears, choose the direction by pointing at, and select the action "choose direction", again will check for resources, if enough the building will rise from the ground.

If pointed fuhrer  then 20m from the flag pole, the arrow will turns red, if selected when red, will end the placing instance.



5. The Troops

The AUTOBOT groups can be required by pressing the "Y" key, clicking over the "Group" button or the "AUTOBOT" button.

Squads on the field, appears at the left top corner of the screen:


Squad experience is won by squad units kill's. The XP won is equals to the killed unit price.

Units amount doesn't count vehicles, the number represents men in squad.

The instance is the squad behavior, shows what command is been executed at the moment.


5.1. Commanding Instances

To command the squads, you must change the commanding instance by pressing "T" key to open the menu, and clicking over the "Troops" Button.

The active squads will be displayed on screen, roll the mouse over the picture to display name and actual instance.

To change instance, left click over the picture to open the instances menu, roll mouse well to scroll down for more options.

Click over the instance to send the squad a command.


Attack: (A/N) Squad will move to capture the flags

Defend: (D/N) Squad will move to the closest flag and defend it

Move to position: (M/S) Once clicked, the map will opens and wait for a single click over the desired position to send the moving command. Once there the squad will stand ground. (M/M) Means moving (M/S) Means Stopped.

Stand Ground: (S/N) The quad will stand ground at actual position.

Reinforce Group: When clicked, a box with the other squads will opens, click on desired squad to reinforce it. The squad will be joined.

Attack/Upgrade (A/U) Squad will move to capture the flags, once captured, the squad will upgrade the flag to level 1 before continues capturing. Squads under these instance will prefer upgrade level 0 flags to level 1, before continues capturing flags.

Defend/Upgrade: (D/U) Squad will move to the closest own flag and upgrade to level 1, once it's upgrades squad will defend it. If a level 0 own flag is on the map, the squad will move to it, upgrade to level 1 and defend it.


5.2. Groups Managing commands

Left click over the group picture to open the instances menu, and the group manage commands will appears at the bottom of the list.

Command Group: The squad will be given to player command.

Join Group: All player's squad units, including player, will join the selected group. Player original squad will becomes empty and excluded.

Give Units: Player's squad units will join the selected group. When clicked the player will be left alone on the squad. The command only appears if player's squad has more units besides player.

Leave Group: Appears at the top of the command list, only if the player is a group member. When clicked the player will join a new empty squad.


5.3. Recruiting Units

To recruit units press the "Y" key and click over the "Units" button, the units classes blue buttons will appears, now select 

The units will appear on the list once the side reaches its level, every unit has its own necessary level to be enabled.

Click once over the unit name to select, on the right windows will be displayed the picture, name and some information depending on the unit class.

To buy the unit, double click over the unit name, the system will check for resources, if enough the unit will be deployed close to base.

Men units will join player's squad, vehicles will appears empty at base location.



5.4. Requesting AUTOBOT Groups

There are two ways to request AUTOBOT groups on the field.

First is pressing the "Y" key and clicking the "Group" button, and the Group Buy menu will opens, click the green buttons to select the desired class.

The groups will appear on the list once the side reaches its level, every Group has its own necessary level to be enabled.

Select the group by left clicking it, the picture and information about the Group will be displayed on the right window.

To buy the Group, double click over the Group name, the system will check for resources, if enough the Group will be deployed close to base.

Requesting Groups will immediately deploy to field, and will not change AUTOBOT stock line.



5.5. Manage AUTOBOT Groups

The second way to request AUTOBOT groups, is to add it to the AUTOBOT stock line, it will be scheduled to production

Once the side reaches enough resources to produce, plus the minimum resources (50 RE$), it will be deployed on the field.

To Add a Squad to the stock line, double click over its name, it will be scheduled on the end of the line.

If the stock line is empty and the side has enough resources, it will be instantly deployed, other wise will wait in line.

To Remove the Squad from the stock line, single click over the group picture on the line and it will be removed.




...under construction...



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Missions and instructions updated to version 5.70

New group commands added.


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All missions from my workshop files are updated to last version 6.88, witch is very stable and multiplayer working very nice...

Just remember to change Flags Configuration at mission parameters in lobby, to try all the game missions variations

There is no dedicated server, unfortunately, but the game is also intended to be played single player against bots, locally.

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