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Why on earth are all of my units dismounting when i press space?

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As default, the arma 3 (and 2) the space makes you select all of your units, but for no reason at all that i could find in controls, when i press space it immediately tells everyone to dismount.


Why on earth would somebody think that this is a great idea? I just want to have the Arma 2 unit control scheme, i actually tried it but for some reason "select all units" is §. When i changed it to the space bar, the problem remained.


I checked all the controls i could find, and i did not find anything that would cause the game to do this.

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On 6/18/2021 at 5:30 PM, POTTU98-2fee35cf50a5a35c said:

As default, the arma 3 (and 2) the space makes you select all of your units,

Not on mine.  Tilda selects all.  Space just opens doors or does some other action, including the scroll menu action.

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