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Arghh, bloody intro!

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Right, I have two civilians, I have a "Get in" waypoint to an empty T-80, the waypoint says the civilians are on "careless" and moving "fast" and "never" attack. In the waypoint activation field, I even specified which of the two civilians gets into which part of the tank. Do they get into the T-80? Like heck they do crazy.gif They don't even run, they just stroll leasurely along whilst there is loads of East running around and shooting around like headless chicken crazy.gif

How do I make them get into the tank? How do I make them run crazy.gif Help crazy.gif Please crazy.gif

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First off, from my experience, i've don't think i've seen units run while in careless mode. Try just putting them in safe at least. As to why they won't get in, i don't see why they wouldn't. Could it possibly have to do with them being in careless mode? Maybe civies aren't programmed to get in tanks, they don't have the training. tounge.gif Seriously though, i've always found scripts easier to use then WP's, but thats just me. Maybe have them -domove getpos tank- and once there use moveindriver/gunner. That way you don't have to worry about them making the decision, they'll do it automatically.

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If I put them on "safe", they crawl along, scared by all the East dudes  crazy.gif

I think I will go with the script.

Would this work?

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hero domove getpos tank;

hero2 domove getpos tank;

hero moveindriver tank;

hero2 moveingunner tank;

hero domove getpos markername;

<span id='postcolor'>

How do I specify running in that script?

EDIT - Thanks btw wink.gif

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Ok, they are getting in now, but they won't drive away. I tried both markers and gamelogic, but they are just sitting there. Any ideas?

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That script would work, but to make it a little more accurate, try something along the lines of :

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

hero domove getpos tank

hero2 domove getpos tank

@UnitReady hero && UnitReady hero2

hero moveindriver tank

here moveingunner tank


hero domove getmarkerpos "markername"<span id='postcolor'>

And i think that should do ya. And, forget using safe mode, try putting them in combat or aware or something, just not stealth. Then maybe they'll run.

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