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Can we please change the way you receive blueprints!!! I am at level 8 on my crafting table and have maybe 4 blueprints. This is the same with my girlfriend and my friend who plays. We can't craft more then 12 or 13 weapons combined. If you have to level up your crafting table, you should be able to craft those items/weapons at that level. Instead we have leveled up and still can't craft those items/weapons without the blueprints. We are not receiving blue prints as a option in our airdrops or crates. This is a very irritating thing. Suomi is a level 3 crafting table, I am level 8 crafting table. I have not even seen the suomi blueprint in my crates. Also I am a battle pass purchaser. I bought 3 of them for my friend, girlfriend and myself. Thank you for reading this. 

Best regards.


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