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Making an addon

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first of all i just want to make sure that this .cpp file i made is correct...

// some basic defines

#define TEast 0

#define TWest 1

#define TGuerrila 2

#define TCivilian 3

#define TSideUnknown 4

#define TEnemy 5

#define TFriendly 6

#define TLogic 7

#define true 1

#define false 0

// type scope

#define private 0

#define protected 1

#define public 2

#define WeaponNoSlot0// dummy weapons

#define WeaponSlotPrimary1// primary weapons

#define WeaponSlotSecondary16// secondary weapons

#define WeaponSlotItem256// items

#define WeaponSlotBinocular4096// binocular

#define WeaponHardMounted65536

class CfgPatches


class RPG90soldier


units[] = {RPG90soldier};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.30;


class RPG90


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {RPG90};

requiredVersion = 1.30;



class CfgAmmo


class default {};

class LAW : Default {};

class RPG : LAW {};

class RPG90ammo : RPG








class CfgWeapons


class default {};

class LAWLauncher : default {};

class CarlGustavLauncher : LAWLauncher {};

class AT4Launcher : CarlGustavLauncher {};

class RPG90Launcher : AT4Launcher




displayName = RPG90;

displayNameMagazine = RPG90;

shortNameMagazine = RPG90;

ammo = RPG90ammo;


count = 2;






class CfgNonAIVehicles


class ProxyWeapon {};

class ProxyRPG90: ProxyWeapon {};


class CfgRecoils





second i have the paa file but i have no idea where or how to get a p3d file..... i know that this is wot u need to make the game run it.....

thx for the help.

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Looks correct to me after a quick look. The .p3d file is the 3D model for the object. And since nobody can make new models, you have to either take them from other addons or the game models.

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well i have a .paa file to go with it but when i DePbOed

the rpg29 he had a p3d file with it.

i tried to view it in notepad but as usual it was coded. all that i could make out was that there was rpg29 in different places so somehow he must of made the file.

so wot ur saying is, is that i can change the texture by using the paa file but not the main model.

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ok i took ur advice and downloaded it but.......

HOW THE #### DO U USE IT?confused.gif?

all i see is d*amn numbers.... hows that gunna help me?

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You search for .pac or .jpg or .paa or something like that first. Then you change the directory names to your addon directory.

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i aint talking bout he pics im talking bout the p3d files!!!!

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When you hex edit the .p3d, search for pac, paa jpg or something like that and change the paths to your addon directory.

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i know this might sound sad but im seriously lost.

and i have my own paa file

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You open the .p3d file in the hex editor. Then you search for "text string" pac or paa or jpg. Then you look at the path (for example addon\picture.pac) and change it to the directory that your addon is in (for example myaddon\picture.pac).

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all i found was

is.?............G..... ........=.d.=V..?...<....(;6=...?....rpg29\rpg29.jpg.data\law_lauf.pac.data\shmel_details.pac.data\blck_sum.pac.data\shmel_details_lod.pac.E.................................!.".#.$.%.'.(.+.,./.3.4.8.;.<.>.@.D.F.H.L.P.Q.U.W.\._.b.d.f.j.m.o.s.u.w.z.}.

where it says rpg29.jpg.data do i change that?

i didn't think bout goin through it cuz all i saw was numbers and crap.

i will tell u wot i have and then u can tell me wot to do....

i have a cpp file jpg and paa file that r the same.

this is wot im trying to accomplish..... an autoamtic rpg launcher.... i tried to copy the same things people use for single and burst fire in my cpp file but i aint sure if it would wk or not...... im gunna e-mail it to u so that no one nicks it.

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well it wold help if u had an e-mail address.

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well i changed it anyway and stuffed it but i keep getting this d*amn error message

'rpg90\config.cpp::CfgWeapons::rpg90Launcher':'{' encountered instead of '='

and this is my cfgweapons.

<span style='color:red'>class CfgWeapons


class default {};

class LAWLauncher : default {};

class CarlGustavLauncher : LAWLauncher {};

class AT4Launcher : CarlGustavLauncher {};

class RPG90Launcher : AT4Launcher




displayName = RPG90;

displayNameMagazine = RPG90;

shortNameMagazine = RPG90;

ammo = RPG90ammo;


count = 3;



scopeWeapon = public;

scopeMagazine = public;




optics = true;

opticsZoomMin=0.35; //was 0.21



class Single


ammo = Rpg90;

count = 3;









autoFire = false;

aiRateOfFire=0.1; // delay between shots at given distance

aiRateOfFireDistance=500; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero

useAction = false;

useActionTitle = "";


class FullAuto


ammo = rpg90;

count = 3;









autoFire = true;

aiRateOfFire=0.1; // delay between shots at given distance

aiRateOfFireDistance=500; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero

useAction = false;

useActionTitle = "";




i dont understand i have changed everything to the exact same things as other people have done and it still comes up with the message... which part do i have to change?

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one thing tho... i dont really need the scope do i? it has one in the game doesn't it.....

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It really helps if you keep the scope, because some people may be playing without the crosshair. You don't have the " marks in your displayName, displayNameMagazine and shortNameMagazine parameters. You have to have them, for example displayName="RPG90"; instead of displayName=RPG90;

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The error message is because of the { sign you have under maxLeadSpeed=200; Take it off and put }; under modes[]={"Single","FullAuto"};

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thx mate i have been waiting for u to reply for ages.

and to my luck the net stopped for bout 6 hours!!!

i will come back if i have any more problems cuz u obviously know wot ur doin.

and btw Ptroinks bump is just wot u use to get ur post to the top of the menu so that people can see it.

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i retried it and it kept giving me more messages saying that the model was already defined in the cfgweapons part. so i deleted that. then it said the picture was already defined so i deleted that. now is saying

Config: some input after endofline


this is wot it looks like now.

<span style='color:red'>// some basic defines

#define TEast 0

#define TWest 1

#define TGuerrila 2

#define TCivilian 3

#define TSideUnknown 4

#define TEnemy 5

#define TFriendly 6

#define TLogic 7

#define true 1

#define false 0

// type scope

#define private 0

#define protected 1

#define public 2

#define WeaponNoSlot0// dummy weapons

#define WeaponSlotPrimary1// primary weapons

#define WeaponSlotSecondary16// secondary weapons

#define WeaponSlotItem256// items

#define WeaponSlotBinocular4096// binocular

#define WeaponHardMounted65536

class CfgPatches


class RPG90soldier


units[] = {RPG90soldier};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.30;



class CfgAmmo


class default {};

class LAW : Default {};

class RPG : LAW {};

class RPG90ammo : RPG








class CfgWeapons


class default {};

class LAWLauncher : default {};

class CarlGustavLauncher : LAWLauncher {};

class AT4Launcher : CarlGustavLauncher {};

class RPG90launcher : AT4Launcher


displayName = "RPG90";

displayNameMagazine = "RPG90";

shortNameMagazine = "RPG90";

ammo = RPG90ammo;


count = 3;



scopeWeapon = public;

scopeMagazine = public;




optics = true;

opticsZoomMin=0.35; //was 0.21




class Single


ammo = Rpg90;

count = 3;









autoFire = false;

aiRateOfFire=0.1; // delay between shots at given distance

aiRateOfFireDistance=500; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero

useAction = false;

useActionTitle = "";


class FullAuto


ammo = rpg90;

count = 3;









autoFire = true;

aiRateOfFire=0.1; // delay between shots at given distance

aiRateOfFireDistance=500; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero

useAction = false;

useActionTitle = "";




class CfgVehicles


class All{};

class AllVehicles:All{};

class Land:AllVehicles{};

class Man:Land{};

class Soldier:Man{};

class SoldierEB:Soldier{}

class SoldierEAK: SoldierEB{

displayName="RPG90 soldier";


magazines[]={RPG90, RPG90, RPG90,M16, M16, M16 };




class CfgNonAIVehicles


class ProxyWeapon {};

class ProxyRPG90: ProxyWeapon {};



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sorry mate.. r u sure u know wot ur doin?

i did it ur way... no good. put a { instead.. no good either..

it keeps comeing up with the same error message

rpg90launcher: encountered "{" imstead of "=" blablabla

this is pissing me off now.

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well i got it to stop by adding



then [ to open the next part but now its saying somewhere in the whole cpp file that it encountered the problem as the one i posted before.

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