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I've been trying to make a script that will transfer the equipment of nearby dead soldiers into vehicles, however I can't quiet seem to wrap my head around it. Theres been a couple of old threads and scripts on the subject that seem to rely on now nonexistent functions. I basically want the script to detect bodies in a 150m radius around the vehicle, grab the inventories and throw them into a truck then delete the bodies.

If anybody has ideas or can point me in the right direction it will be immensely helpful

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//Test Body contents

TAG_fnc_clearBodies = {
		[ "_vehicle", vehicle player, [ objNull ] ],
		[ "_radius", 150, [ 0 ] ],
		[ "_disassemble", false, [ false ] ],
		[ "_clearCargo", false, [ false ] ]

	//Needs better check to make sure object has a cargo space
	if ( _vehicle == player ) exitWith {
		"Error: Vehicle( param 0 ) must be a vehicle with cargo space" call BIS_fnc_error;

	if ( _clearCargo ) then {
		clearItemCargoGlobal _vehicle;
		clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicle;
		clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehicle;
		clearBackpackCargoGlobal _vehicle;

	_doneHolders = [];

		getUnitLoadout _x params[ "_primaryDetails", "_secondaryDetails", "_handGunDetails", "_uniformDetails", "_vestDetails", "_backpackDetails", "_headgear", "_goggles", "_binocularDetails", "_linkedItems" ];
		//Dropped weapons
		_holders = _x nearObjects[ "weaponHolderSimulated", 2 ];

		_holderWeapons = [];
			if !( _x in _doneHolders ) then {
				_doneHolders pushBack _x;
				_holderWeapons append ( weaponsItems _x );
		}forEach _holders;

		_fnc_disWeapon = {
			params[ "_cont", "_weaponDetails", "_cnt" ];
			_weaponDetails params[ "_weapon", "_muzzle", "_pointer", "_optic", "_magDetails", "_secMagDetails", "_bipod" ];

			_weaponBase = _weapon call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon;
			_cont addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal[ [ _weaponBase, "", "", "", [], [], ""], _cnt ];

				if !( _x == "" ) then {
					_cont addItemCargoGlobal[ _x, _cnt ];
			}forEach[ _pointer, _muzzle, _optic, _bipod ];

				_x params[ "_curMag", "_curMagAmmoCnt" ];
				if !( _curMag == "" ) then {
					_cont addMagazineAmmoCargo[ _curMag, _cnt, _curMagAmmoCnt ];
			}forEach[ _magDetails, _secMagDetails ];

			_x params[ "_weapon" ];

			if !( _weapon == "" ) then {
				if ( _disassemble ) then {
					[ _vehicle, _x, 1 ] call _fnc_disWeapon;
					_vehicle addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal[ _x, 1 ];
		}forEach ( _holderWeapons + [ _primaryDetails, _secondaryDetails, _handGunDetails, _binocularDetails ] );

			_x params[ "_item", "_contItems" ];

			if !( _item == "" ) then {
				_every = everyContainer _vehicle;
				if ( _item call BIS_fnc_itemType select 1 == "backpack" ) then {
					_vehicle addBackpackCargoGlobal[ _item, 1 ];
					_vehicle addItemCargoGlobal[ _item, 1 ];

				_addedContainer = ( everyContainer _vehicle - _every ) select 0 select 1;
				clearItemCargoGlobal _addedContainer;
				clearWeaponCargoGlobal _addedContainer;
				clearMagazineCargoGlobal _addedContainer;
				clearBackpackCargoGlobal _addedContainer;

				if ( _disassemble ) then {
					_addedContainer = _vehicle;

					_x params[ "_item", "_cnt", "_ammoCnt" ];

					if ( _item isEqualType [] ) then {
						_weaponDetails = +_item;
						_item = _item select 0;

					switch ( toLowerANSI ( _x call BIS_fnc_itemType select 0 )) do {
						case ( "weapon" ) : {
							if ( _disassemble ) then {
								[ _addedContainer, _weaponDetails, _cnt ] call _fnc_disWeapon;
								_addedContainer addWeaponWithAttachmentsCargoGlobal[ _weaponDetails, _cnt ];
						case ( "mine" );
						case ( "magazine" ) : {
							_addedContainer addMagazineAmmoCargo[ _item, _cnt, _ammoCnt ];
						default {
							_addedContainer addItemCargoGlobal[ _item, _cnt ];
				}forEach _contItems;
		}forEach[ _uniformDetails, _vestDetails, _backpackDetails ];

			if !( _x == "" ) then {
				_vehicle addItemCargoGlobal[ _x, 1 ];
		}forEach( _linkedItems + [ _headgear, _goggles ] );

		//Remove Body and Group
		_group = group _x;
		deleteVehicle _x;
		if ( count units _group == 0 ) then {
			deleteGroup _group;

	}forEach ( getPosATL _vehicle nearObjects[ "CAManBase", _radius ] select{ !alive _x } );

//	vehicle to store items in,
//	radius to search, optional( default 150m )
//	whether to dissemble every thing, optional( default false )
//	whether to clear vehicles current contents first, optional( default false )
//] call TAG_fnc_clearBodies;

//There is no checking for if the vehicles inventory becomes full

//A test Hunter called car
[ car, 30, true, true ] call TAG_fnc_clearBodies;


Needs thoroughly testing

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