militarypolice 10 Posted December 29, 2020 Hello, I'm making a shoothouse and need the targets to pop down after 2 hits. I found a script on;all and it does work in SP and on a Client Hosted Server. But, it does not work on a dedicated server. The script needs "nopop" to eq true. So, in the init.sqf of the mission nd initserver.sqf I put "nopop = true". Though nopop is a global variable it seems that this script thinks that nopop is false? Can someone take a look and let me know? Or teach me how to create a global variable? Or is it possible to create a version of this for MP use? I modified the script to be two round hits before the target goes down. This is in the init of each popup target: if (!isDedicated) then {this addEventHandler ["Hit", {[_this, 2, true] execVM "AdvancedPopUpTarget.sqf"}];}; I added the If statement. Originally, it does not have an If statement. Original this addEventHandler ["Hit", {[_this, 2, true] execVM "AdvancedPopUpTarget.sqf"}]; Here is the script (Credit should go to Worldeater): #define ERROR_NOPOP hint str(__FILE__ + "\n\nERROR:\nThis script requires the global variable nopop to be true") if isNil("nopop") exitWith { ERROR_NOPOP }; if not nopop exitWith { ERROR_NOPOP }; _eventInfo = _this select 0; _requiredHits = _this select 1; _stayDown = _this select 2; _target = _eventInfo select 0; if (_target animationPhase "terc" > 0) exitWith {}; _hitCount = _target getVariable "HitCounter"; if isNil "_hitCount" then { _hitCount = 0 }; _hitCount = _hitCount + 1; _keepUp = true; if (_hitCount == _requiredHits) then { _hitCount = 0; _target animate ["terc", 1]; sleep 3; _keepUp = not _stayDown; }; if _keepUp then { _target animate ["terc", 0]; }; _target setVariable ["HitCounter", _hitCount]; Again, i do not take credit of the script, just wanted to give anyone willing to help an idea of what I am trying to do. If we can create a completely new script, I am all game for that as well! Thanks for the help! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites