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Combat Service Support Script

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A simple script to add an action to the menu to create a combat service support vehicle at a random location on the map.



//Combat Service Support 
//Feel free to optimize script for the good of all mankind. 
//Instructions For Use:
//Copy combatServiceSupport.sqf to your mission folder or scripts folder. 
//Place a unit and name it "sl1".
//Place the following command in the init.sqf file: 
//call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "combatServiceSupport.sqf";
//RECOMMENDATIONS: Don't let everyone call the script. You'll have a server full of vehicles. Let a leader use the script. IE Squad Leader or Officer. 
//If you have to have unit named to a certian variable, then do a find and replace for sl1, and replace with required name. 

//Code by Serena (BI Forums)
RemoveActionByName = {
	params ["_object", "_name"];
 	{if (_object actionParams _x select 0 == _name) exitWith {_object removeAction _x}} forEach actionIDs _object; 

level1 = {
	sl1 addAction [
	"<t color='#FFBB00'>Combat Service Support</t>", 
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Combat Service Support</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	call level2a;
	call level2b;
	call level2c;
	call level2d;
	}, nil, -1, false, true,"", "_this == _target"];

level2a = {
	sl1 addAction ["<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class III - Fuel</t>", {
	delvehs = nearestObjects [getMarkerPos "classIIIMrk", [], 10];{ if (isPlayer _x) then { hint ""} else { deleteVehicle _x}; }forEach delvehs;
	deleteMarker "classIIIMrk";

	_rndmPos1 = [[[position sl1, 3000]],["water"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
	_pos = _rndmPos1;
	_radius = 500;
	_exp = "(1 + meadow) * (1 - forest) * (1 - trees) * (1 - hills)";
	_prec = 10;
	_bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_pos,_radius,_exp,_prec,1];
	_spot = _bestplace select 0;
	_spot2 = _spot select 0;

	//Create marker
	_classIIImrk = createMarker ["classIIIMrk",_spot2];
	"classIIIMrk" setMarkerShape "ICON";
	"classIIIMrk" setMarkerType "B_Support";
	"classIIIMrk" setMarkerText "CLASS III - FUEL";

	//Create Vehicle
	_classIIIVeh = createVehicle ["B_Truck_01_fuel_F",getMarkerPos "classIIIMrk",[],0,"NONE"];
	_classIIIVeh allowDamage false;

	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class III - Fuel</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class V - Ammo</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class VIII - Medical</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class IX - Repair</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	call level1;
	}, nil, -1, false, true,"", "_this == _target"];

level2b = {
	//Class V - Ammunitions
	_L2B = sl1 addAction ["<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class V - Ammo</t>",{
	delvehs = nearestObjects [getMarkerPos "classVMrk", [], 10];{ if (isPlayer _x) then { hint ""} else { deleteVehicle _x}; }forEach delvehs;
	deleteMarker "classVMrk";

	_rndmPos1 = [[[position sl1, 3000]],["water"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;

	_pos = _rndmPos1;
	_radius = 500;
	_exp = "(1 + meadow) * (1 - forest) * (1 - trees) * (1 - hills)";
	_prec = 10;
	_bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_pos,_radius,_exp,_prec,1];
	_spot = _bestplace select 0;
	_spot2 = _spot select 0;

	//Create Logistics marker
	_classVmrk = createMarker ["classVMrk",_spot2];
	"classVMrk" setMarkerShape "ICON";
	"classVMrk" setMarkerType "B_Support";
	"classVMrk" setMarkerText "CLASS V - AMMO";

	//Create Vehicle
	_classVVeh = createVehicle ["B_Truck_01_ammo_F",getMarkerPos "classVMrk",[],0,"NONE"];
	_classVVeh allowDamage false;

	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class III - Fuel</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class V - Ammo</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class VIII - Medical</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class IX - Repair</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	call level1;
	}, nil, -1, false, true,"", "_this == _target"];

level2c = {
	//Class VIII - Medical
	sl1 addAction ["<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class VIII - Medical</t>",{
	delvehs = nearestObjects [getMarkerPos "classVIIIMrk", [], 10];{ if (isPlayer _x) then { hint ""} else { deleteVehicle _x}; }forEach delvehs;
	deleteMarker "classVIIIMrk";

	_rndmPos1 = [[[position sl1, 3000]],["water"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;

	_pos = _rndmPos1;
	_radius = 500;
	_exp = "(1 + meadow) * (1 - forest) * (1 - trees) * (1 - hills)";
	_prec = 10;
	_bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_pos,_radius,_exp,_prec,1];
	_spot = _bestplace select 0;
	_spot2 = _spot select 0;
	//_cssPos1 = [_spot2,0,100,0,1,0.3,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

	//Create Logistics marker
	_classVIIImrk = createMarker ["classVIIIMrk",_spot2];
	"classVIIIMrk" setMarkerShape "ICON";
	"classVIIIMrk" setMarkerType "B_med";
	"classVIIIMrk" setMarkerText "CLASS VIII - MEDICAL";

	//Create Vehicle
	_classVVeh = createVehicle ["B_Truck_01_medical_F",getMarkerPos "classVIIIMrk",[],0,"NONE"];
	_classVVeh allowDamage false;
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class III - Fuel</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class V - Ammo</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class VIII - Medical</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class IX - Repair</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	call level1;
	}, nil, -1, false, true,"", "_this == _target"];

level2d = {
	//Class IX - Repair
	sl1 addAction ["<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class IX - Repair</t>",{
	//Removes existing objects
	delvehs = nearestObjects [getMarkerPos "classIXMrk", [], 10];{ if (isPlayer _x) then { hint ""} else { deleteVehicle _x}; }forEach delvehs;
	deleteMarker "classIXMrk";

	//Create Position
	_rndmPos1 = [[[position sl1, 3000]],["water"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
	_pos = _rndmPos1;
	_radius = 500;
	_exp = "(1 + meadow) * (1 - forest) * (1 - trees) * (1 - hills)";
	_prec = 10;
	_bestplace = selectBestPlaces [_pos,_radius,_exp,_prec,1];
	_spot = _bestplace select 0;
	_spot2 = _spot select 0;

	//Create marker
	_classIXmrk = createMarker ["classIXMrk",_spot2];
	"classIXMrk" setMarkerShape "ICON";
	"classIXMrk" setMarkerType "B_Service";
	"classIXMrk" setMarkerText "CLASS IX - REPAIR";

	//Create Vehicle
	_classIIIVeh = createVehicle ["B_Truck_01_repair_F",getMarkerPos "classIXMrk",[],0,"NONE"];
	_classIIIVeh allowDamage false;
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class III - Fuel</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class V - Ammo</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class VIII - Medical</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	[sl1, "<t color='#FFBB00'>Request Class IX - Repair</t>"] call RemoveActionByName;
	call level1;
	}, nil, -1, false, true,"", "_this == _target"];

call level1;


Edited by Blackheart_Six
Updated code

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