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Muscular Beaver

4 satchels for each player instead of 4 for all

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Im having a big problem here. I built a coop map and added some ammoboxes. all contain very limited amount of weapons and ammo. also I added 4 satchels and 1 mine to one of them (with addmagazinecargo ["pipebomb",4]), emptying them before.

nows the problem that every client can take 4 satchels and 1 mine from that ammocrate. this is ruining the whole balancing of the map and makes it too easy when every player can take that much of them. I dont know if this is a bug or if it is intended that way, but please can anyone help me so I can add REALLY only 4 satchels and 1 mine to a ammobox, or even just create them on the ground beside the ammobox?

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try something like this :

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


_count = "PipeBomb" counttype magazines ammobox

?(_count == 0):Exit

removePipeBomb = false

@(removePipeBomb || "PipeBomb" counttype magazines ammobox != _count)

?(removePipeBomb ):goto "remove"

goto "tellother"


 ; a other player take pipebomb

 ammobox removeMagazine "PipeBomb"

 removePipeBomb = false

 goto "begin"


 ; your player take bomb

 removePipeBomb = true

 publicVariable removePipeBomb

 goto "begin"

<span id='postcolor'>

this script must turn on each client side and server too but i don't know what happened if two player take pipbomb in the same time

Don't tested

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