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Base respawn for UNKNOWN is not supported.

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Hello all.

Recently I've gotten this error in my two most recent missions, and can't seem to find the issue. 

[bis_fnc_getrespawnmarkers] base respawn for UNKNOWN is not supported


I promise my respawn is set up correctly, same as I've done many times before. I've tried merging the mission files into new missions with the same error still occuring. 
I can't find anything online that is any help. I really would like to not have to rebuild the entire missions. I can attach my mission files in a reply if they would be of any help. I do use quite a few mods though. 

Thanks in advance,


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On 11/21/2020 at 4:38 AM, rileyrazor said:

[bis_fnc_getrespawnmarkers] base respawn for UNKNOWN is not supported

This error is thrown when trying to get respawn markers( BIS_fnc_getRespawnMarkers ) for sideUnknown( Which is where UNKNOWN comes from ).

sideUnknown is a side the same as east, west etc.

respawn markers for sideUnknown are not supported.


As much help as I can offer without more information specifically about your mission setup, of why getRespawnMarkers is trying to get them for sideUnknown.

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