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Gary Utterson

Matchmaking with high levels.

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At first I found this game enjoyable. Now its just pointless and tedious. I'm only lvl 16 myself yet all of a sudden every game is full of level 40-50 players. Find myself dying the minute I step out of anywhere and im unable to progress with my shelter.

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Hi there, sorry to hear you feel that way about the game. Indeed, there is a learning curve to it - but practice helps you improve 🙂 You shouldn't worry about the levels you see in the lobbies, as those are battle pass levels - they reset after every season, thus they're not indicative of skill.


Feel free to use tactics to stay alive and survive - going in without a weapon is a feasible tactic, and sneaking around avoiding gunfights can be helpful. Headphones can also help in giving you more awareness of what's going on around you, as your sense of hearing in the game is amplified. I hope that you try out any of these tactics and that you can find some fun in playing Vigor 🍅

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