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Exile Advanced Loadout System

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This was created for InfinityExile and cleaned up for a general release, thanks to ElmoBlatch for allowing me to do so.



You are free to modify them for your server. I have included an example mission in the github release. 

This was recreated, fixed up and improved on a vanilla Exile Altis server with no infistar or battleye. You are on your own for anything that pops up with those.

Please look at the example mission if you get stuck. I cannot help with install issues. You are free to post in the Exile Discord #support channel here: https://discord.gg/cmMMHyJ

If there are bugs with the actual released code I can take a look.


Thanks all - best of luck with your Exile Servers. 


Exile Trader Loadouts:
This is one of my favorite creations as you can individually edit the loadout after it is saved to add/remove items to the loadout..

Modify your gear, inventory and weapon without buying a new loadout and saving it!

Admins can customize Blacklist items

Admins can customize number of loadouts for players

Github: https://github.com/Andrew-S90/ExileLoadouts
Video Preview:



Install Instructions:



Paste the contents into the top of your config file. Modify existing network message section if needed.

Add the second portion inside class CfgInteractionMenus so you can see the action



Paste the contents anywhere after #include "RscDefines.hpp" appears in your description.ext file



After if (!hasInterface || isServer) exitWith {}; paste the upper contents of initplayerlocal.sqf found in the Client folder



Paste the contents on the top of this file. The server needs these client files to be able to check for valid loadouts.



Copy and paste this straight into the main directory for the mission file. (Next to the config.cpp etc.)


If you are having trouble please view the example mission included.




No overrides needed, simply pbo the server folder and place inside your servermod folder (such as @ExileServer)

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Hi there,

I have a question if anyone here has time to answer:


I'm trying to add this to my A3 Exile Altis server and the config.cpp directions say to modify existing network message section if needed. I added this to the config.cpp like it said in the example config.cpp provided with the download:


class CfgNetworkMessages
    class purchaseLoadoutRequest

    class purchaseLoadoutResponse


And received this error message:


ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\description.ext, line 99: .CfgNetworkMessages: Member already defined.


In my description.ext I have this already defined like this:


class CfgNetworkMessages
    #include "ExAdClient\CfgNetworkMessages.cpp"


I tried to add the code from the config.cpp to the description.ext like this:


class CfgNetworkMessages
    #include "ExAdClient\CfgNetworkMessages.cpp"

    class purchaseLoadoutRequest

    class purchaseLoadoutResponse


But this returned an error as well. How, if I already have class CfgNetworkMessages defined in the description.ext to I add the code from the new script without a conflict?


Thanks for any help you can give!




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Thanks for nothing I guess. But if anyone else runs into this issue this is what I did to fix it:


Added  #include "custom\loadoutpurchase.hpp" to the description below include "ExAdClient\CfgNetworkMessages.cpp" and then created a custom\loadoutpurchase.hpp file and folder and put this inside the .hpp file:


class purchaseLoadoutRequest

    class purchaseLoadoutResponse

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