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Playing video in dialog via RscPicture

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So my aim is to have a video window in a dialog using RscPicture (and by extension RscVideo) type control. However I am running into reliability problems. Most of the time the video won't play and sometimes there are horrible compression issues, but it does work sometimes even if rarely. My first guess was that perhaps the video I was using was somehow bad so tested the dialog using the preview videos for the main menu spotlights and the problems persist. Here is my current test dialog:

class test_3
	class controls 

		class Picture: RscPicture
			idc = 2001;
			text = "\a3\UI_f_Tank\Video\spotlight_A.ogv";
			autoplay = 1;
			loops = -1;
			x = 0.5 -  5 *  (pixelW * pixelGrid * 2);
			y = safezoneY + (10 - 0.5 *  5) *  (pixelH * pixelGrid * 2);
			w = 2 *  5 *  (pixelW * pixelGrid * 2);
			h = 2 *  5 *  (pixelH * pixelGrid * 2);


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