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Task creation in an .sqf

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I'm trying to write a basic script to create a task, spawn certain units and then set the task state to completed when said units are killed. In this case, I have the script being called from an objective board object in the mission to spawn boats (starting with just one for now) in a random part in the ocean for the player to hunt down in an A-10. It's calling the script fine because the hint is visible, but I haven't figured out the actual task creation and unit spawning part. Here's what I've got:


hint "task1";

_randomPosMapNoLand = [nil, ["ground"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;

_task1 = ["Assault Boats", {[west, ["Task1"], ["Eliminate the assault boats", "Eliminate boats", _randomPosMapNoLand], _randomPosMapNoLand, 1, 1, true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;}]

_boat1 = [getMarkerPos "_randomPosMapNoLand", 180, "O_T_Boat_Armed_01_hmg_F", east] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;

waitUntil{!(alive _boat1)};
["Task1", "SUCCEEDED",true] spawn BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

Any tips on getting this working are super appreciated!

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To make a unit a destructible task,


paste this in init.sqf or Attributes Init dialog,

{	params ["_target"];
	["task1",[_target,true]] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDestination; ["task1","ASSIGNED"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
waitUntil {sleep 1; !alive _target};
					systemChat "Objective Destroyed";
					["task1",[objNull,false]] call BIS_fnc_taskSetDestination;

[true,["task1"],["Mission Objective","Mission","Target"],objNULL,1,3,false] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;
["task1","assigned"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

to create the target vehicle from script include this function with the above,

{ params [["_pos", getpos player], ["_type", "O_T_Boat_Armed_01_hmg_F"], ["_area", 1000]];
	private	_veh = _type createVehicle _pos;
			createVehicleCrew _veh;
	private	_grp=group _veh;
	[_grp, _pos, _area] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;
	[_veh] spawn you_fnc_destroyThis;

so just establish your random position, like you did, and call,

[your_random_pos, "O_T_Boat_Armed_01_hmg_F", 1000] call you_fnc_spawnVeh;

of course the functions can be called again and with different parameters.

Have fun!

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