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BIS Script helpers for custom scripts to show them in Mission Gameplay

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Hello Arma 3 Scripters,


What I've done

I wrote a simple advanced validation script framework to validate Datatypes, Objects, Data behaviours and soon in develompent for Mission Builders.
The Framework is used by another project I developed and its not finished becouse of this descripted framework where-upload-custom-scripts-for-general-use


What I want

I search for necessary BIS scripts to help me to present my work ...

  • ...to Mission Builders
  • ...in interactive dialogs (kind of UnitTests)
  • ...in Gameplay
  • ...with the help of BIS Scripts



I look around in EDEN Editor and in this BIS Wiki for necessary BIS Functions which i'm searcht for.
I found GUI Functions, Debugging Functions, but it would took me weeks - nearly months - to use them in the right way and I woun't start another script Framework to solve this described problem. I aim to a fast way.


Doese anyone have experienc of the problem I stuck in or solved it in a comfortable way with BIS Functions?



Edited by bi_mg
erase double link

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The Tokens (like {{#VAR:%x}}) I created must be displayed in formated text.

// Subject(s) UNIT VECTOR(s) in the UNIT CIRCLE to validate in an associative array
// UNIT VECTOR = [ 0, 1, 0 ] means azimut 0° (degree) as the object direction
	localize STR_MB_sub,	// "{{#VAR:%1}} with the value {{#VALUE:%2}}"
	localize STR_MB_prd_be,	// "must be"
	localize STR_MB_obj_type// "of the type {{#TYPE:%3}}"
] ]


Edited by bi_mg
add additinal information

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