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sina alex

[Question] Spawn sign with Custom Texture

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hello everybody

i have a plan about marking th position where , the player killed.


so in init.sqf in

addEventHandler killed

i add a sign(empty small wooden ),

i try add command  for give it init to set globaltexture command but not work.

the sign just got spawn with no screen on it,(my init cmd not activated).


its code :

Player addEventHandler ["Killed", {
	params ["_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects"];
        if (side _unit == independent) 
	systemchat "_unit killed by _killer";
	_f1 = createvehicle ["FlagCarrierChecked", getPos _unit, [], 0, "NONE"];
	_f1 setVehicleInit "this obj setObjectTextureGlobal [0,'p\1.jpg']";
	hint "You killed by _killer";nul = [] execVM "onPlayerKilled.sqf";

help me to spawn that sign with my custom pic on dead pos.ty

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11 hours ago, sina alex said:

if (side _unit == independent)

A dead unit is side civilian. Instead check the side of its group.

There are also other problems as commented below.


player addEventHandler[ "Killed", {
	params[ "_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects" ];
	//If we do not have an instigator
	if ( isNull _instigator ) then {
		//was the killer a controlled UAV
		_instigator = ( UAVControl vehicle _killer ) select 0;
		//If we still do not have an instigator
		if ( isNull _instigator ) then {
			//use the killer
			_instigator = _killer;
	if ( side group _unit == independent ) then {
		systemChat format[ "%1 killed by %2", name _unit, name _instigator ];
		_f1 = createVehicle[ "FlagCarrierChecked", getPos _unit, [], 0, "NONE" ];
		//This command no longer exists in Arma 3
		_f1 setObjectTextureGlobal[ 0, "p\1.jpg" ];
		hint format[ "You were killed by %1", name _instigator ];
		//This event script is called automatically on player death
		//nul = [] execVM "onPlayerKilled.sqf";



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4 hours ago, Larrow said:

A dead unit is side civilian. Instead check the side of its group.

There are also other problems as commented below.

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player addEventHandler[ "Killed", {
	params[ "_unit", "_killer", "_instigator", "_useEffects" ];
	//If we do not have an instigator
	if ( isNull _instigator ) then {
		//was the killer a controlled UAV
		_instigator = ( UAVControl vehicle _killer ) select 0;
		//If we still do not have an instigator
		if ( isNull _instigator ) then {
			//use the killer
			_instigator = _killer;
	if ( side group _unit == independent ) then {
		systemChat format[ "%1 killed by %2", name _unit, name _instigator ];
		_f1 = createVehicle[ "FlagCarrierChecked", getPos _unit, [], 0, "NONE" ];
		//This command no longer exists in Arma 3
		_f1 setObjectTextureGlobal[ 0, "p\1.jpg" ];
		hint format[ "You were killed by %1", name _instigator ];
		//This event script is called automatically on player death
		//nul = [] execVM "onPlayerKilled.sqf";



thank for answer.

i know it about formating a dialog or chat.

and about killing board.

now what i can do for add init to spawned objects via script??

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On 8/22/2020 at 10:26 AM, sina alex said:

now what i can do for add init to spawned objects via script?

Why do you need to specifically add an init? You have spawned the object, so have a reference to the object, on which you can do anything like. Same as above where setObjectGlobal is used on the spawned object _f1.

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1 hour ago, Larrow said:

Why do you need to specifically add an init? You have spawned the object, so have a reference to the object, on which you can do anything like. Same as above where setObjectGlobal is used on the spawned object _f1.

like it?

_f1 = createvehicle ["FlagCarrierChecked", getPos _unit, [], 0, "NONE"];

_f1 setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"p\1.jpg"];


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