Ex3B 267 Posted June 13, 2020 Has anyone succeeded in adding a titan missile pylon? I previously was able to change what weapon a pylon used by just changing the pylon weapon and ammo, like this: Quote class PylonRack_Bomb_SDB_x4 class PylonRack_Bomb_Scalpel_Clone_x4: PylonRack_Bomb_SDB_x4 { ammo = "M_Scalpel_AT"; displayName = "Scalpel x4"; displayNameShort = "Scalpel"; descriptionShort = "Internal Scalpel AT rack"; hardpoints[]= { "B_Scalpel_CLONE" }; pylonWeapon = "missiles_SCALPEL_Clone"; initSpeedY = -25; }; But substituting the relevant Titan missile class names doesnt work. I even tried modifying titan missile ammo properties with this,: proxyShape="\A3\Weapons_F_Tank\Ammo\Missile_ATGM_01_F"; but nothing seems to work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites