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Customchat again. How to get it working in multiplayer

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hello there, after I searched around, I still have problems to get customchat working.
All I wanna do is get rid of the standard-channels (side-channel, vehicle, etc.) exept global-channel.
As far as I see, I have to delete the standard channels 1-5 and define the custom-channels 6-15

0 = Global

1 = Side

2 = Command

3 = Group

4 = Vehicle

5 = Direct (Is not detected by getPlayerChannel)

6-15 = Custom Radio (see radioChannelCreate)


This is what I've done so far:


if(isServer) then
radio_channel_6 = radioChannelCreate [[0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1], "TOC-Channel", "%UNIT_NAME", []];
radio_channel_7 = radioChannelCreate [[0.9, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8], "Team Alpha", "%UNIT_NAME", []];
radio_channel_8 = radioChannelCreate [[0.3, 0.3, 0.9, 0.8], "Team Bravo", "%UNIT_NAME", []];
radio_channel_9 = radioChannelCreate [[0.3, 0.9, 0.3, 0.8], "Team Charlie", "%UNIT_NAME", []];
radio_channel_10 = radioChannelCreate [[0.9, 0.9, 0.3, 1], "Emergency-Channel", "%UNIT_NAME", []];

RADIO_fnc_manage =
	_unit = [_this,0,ObjNull,[ObjNull]] call BIS_fnc_param;
	_bool = [_this,1,false,[false]] call BIS_fnc_param;
	_channel = [_this,2,0,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param;

	//Series of checks?
	if(isNull _unit) exitWith {}; //Null unit
	if(_channel < 1) exitWith {}; //No channels below 1 should be passed.

	switch (_channel) do
		case 1: { if(_bool) then {radio_channel_6 radioChannelAdd [_unit];} else {radio_channel_6 radioChannelRemove [_unit];};};
		case 2: { if(_bool) then {radio_channel_7 radioChannelAdd [_unit];} else {radio_channel_7 radioChannelRemove [_unit];};};
		case 3: { if(_bool) then {radio_channel_8 radioChannelAdd [_unit];} else {radio_channel_8 radioChannelRemove [_unit];};};
		case 4: { if(_bool) then {radio_channel_9 radioChannelAdd [_unit];} else {radio_channel_9 radioChannelRemove [_unit];};};
		case 5: { if(_bool) then {radio_channel_10 radioChannelAdd [_unit];} else {radio_channel_10 radioChannelRemove [_unit];};};
[[player,true,0],"RADIO_fnc_manage",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
[[player,true,6],"RADIO_fnc_manage",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
[[player,true,7],"RADIO_fnc_manage",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
[[player,true,8],"RADIO_fnc_manage",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
[[player,true,9],"RADIO_fnc_manage",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
[[player,true,10],"RADIO_fnc_manage",false,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;

descrition.ext  (try1):


description.ext  (try2):

disableChannels[] = {
	{1, true, true}, //--- Side Chat
	{2, true, true}, //--- Command Chat
	{3, true, true}, //--- Group Chat
	{4, true, true}, //--- Vehicle Chat
	{5, true, true}, //--- Direct Chat
	{6, true, true} //--- System Chat

//--- Control Chat - Format: {channelID<number>, disableChat<bool>, disableVoice<bool>}

which both should delete all channels except "global".
try1 brings up an error,
try2 works, but does not that, what I want.

After all done, how do i send a custom-chat message to human Multiplayers?

I've tried:

[[[west,"driver vehicle player"],"This is an emergency-call code 10 - S.O.S.!"], "customchat", west, false] call BIS_fnc_MP;

but I think, I have to define the channel too. And 'm not sure about the syntax...
It has to run on a dedicated server...
Who could help me with that MP-stuff?

Greetz Purzel


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I did a little change in the descrition-stuff above, but it is not working!
No CUSTOM chat possible!

Please would someone help me, if it finally works, this could be the working plan for others too.

Greetz Purzel

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