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3rd Party vehicle paradrop ViV

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I am currently retexturing some Global Mobilization vehicle and I would like to be able to paradrop them from a plane, using the ViV framework (which basically automatically attach a cargo parachite to a vehicle ejected out of a plane.


It seems that when I follow the same process, Vanilla vehicles can be paradropped without issue, while the global mobilization exit the plane, a parachute is created but not attached to the vehicle that freefalls to the ground. My guts tell me that the GM vehicle don't have memorypoints to attach the parachute.


Is there a possibility via config.cpp, to add this feature (maybe to define memroy point to attach the parachute)?


Thank you in advance,




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SInce it seems not possible to use the built in paradrop due to the above issue, I turned to script and createvehicle + attachTo. Howver, the annoying issue is that when unloading the cargo from the plane, the automatically created parachute (i.e. the one that cannot aattch to the vehicle) still exist and is falling down. Therefore, after looking at the wiki I thought that adding this piece of code to the config of the third party vehicle would disable it:


class VehicleTransport
			class Cargo
				parachuteClass			= "";	// Type of parachute used when dropped in air. When empty then parachute is not used.
				parachuteHeightLimit	= 40;				// Minimal height above terrain when parachute is used.
				canBeTransported		= 1;				// 0 (false) / 1 (true)
				//dimensions[]			= { "mainturret_elev", "hatch_2_1_door" }; // Memory-point-based override of automatic bounding box

I was not sure waht empty meant so i tried different things, nothing, "none", "empty", "", 0 etc... but no luck the parachute is still appearing...


Has someone an idea of the issue?


Thank you in advance,




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