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Jan Masterson

Weapons encumberance in ofp?

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Hi folks,

Does OFP simulate the encumberance of a weapon or of an object (ex., weight + lentght of an object/weapon = encumberance. Much encumberance make the user moving more slowly, be breathless faster than another soldier wich have less equipement... As IRL, a machinegunner (who have a M60) move really more slowly than a rifleman who only have a M16)?

If not, is it possible to simulate it and how? (the encumberance factor is inherited by the weight of hte quipement u carry not linked to the class of soldier... this exclude to modify the animation files of an actor...)?

(Sorry for my bad english, but i try to do my best wink.gif Hope u have understand all i say...

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I see this effect if you got a Soldier with a Carl Gustav or Stinger (or AT4 and Strela) in your Squad. He can't run as fast as the others. I didn't see this effect elsewhere.

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