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MP Co-op "join" not working properly?

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I've searched every forum I can think of and haven't come across this one...

I have a POW rescue mission. When a player reaches within the range of the POW's an action is added to their menu that says "Rescue POW". It essentially makes the POW's join the player, one by one.

It works using a simple script that goes down the list of POW's and has them "join" plyr1 or plyr2, etc...

It works fine in single mode and it also works fine for the server. However, the other players have the problem where they say they "1, follow 1" and nothing happens. Also, in the case of a dedicated server, it does not work for anyone. I tried using publicvariable to see if that would help, to no avail. I am seriously stuck guys...


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Yes you're right - join doesn't work well in MP

I can't tell you if this depends on the version

(i first used and expired it on 1.29) - better try to

find alternates to get the POW out of there like e.g:

let him enter a vehicle in cargo (after you cleared the misery there) and take the vehicle with you.

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Does anybody know why join doesn't work in MP? It seems kinda strange. Do JOIN waypoints work in MP? That might be a way to work around the problem.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from russin on 11:59 am on Nov. 24, 2001

join works for me in multi player

eighty eight fingers<span id='postcolor'>

Well at least in the official command reference it says that the "join" command doesn't always work right in MP. It doesn't mention if JOIN waypoints work though...

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