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Domove question on how close.

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If you use a domove command on a unit  to an object's position,  how close will they get before stopping.  Is it possible to domove on a unit to place them at a vehicles door but not get in the vehicle.

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1 hour ago, gitrinec said:

If you use a domove command on a unit  to an object's position,  how close will they get before stopping.

A soldier on foot will move to the exact position (if it is reachable). If there is an object in the way the unit will move to a nearby position, depending on the size of that object.


1 hour ago, gitrinec said:

Is it possible to domove on a unit to place them at a vehicles door but not get in the vehicle.

_unit assignAsDriver _car;
[_unit] orderGetIn true;
_inAnim = toLower getText(configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _car >> "getInAction");
waitUntil {
   _inAnim in toLower animationState _unit
_car lockDriver true;
[_unit] orderGetIn false;
_unit switchMove "";
unassignVehicle _unit;
sleep 1;
_car lockDriver false;

Problem is that the unit sees the car as an obstructing object, so he wont go near the door. This script tells the unit to get in the vehicle but denies him access when he actually gets there.

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