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[evo] dan

Making an object have the "load" option activated

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I've got an object that I would like to be able to be loaded into a nearby ViV capable unit. Is there an option for the config to activate this automatically and then handle it for me like with some of the cars, or do I have to create a scripted solution to load it in via add action?


I'm using the ThingX Class for this.

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  On 12/30/2019 at 11:15 PM, Mr H. said:

Do you mean with an ace 3 interaction ? If so https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/cargo-framework.html

No, using the default ViV system. I know you can add it via addaction in the editor, but is there a config option to just enable the action automatically like cars have?

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{ class Cargo { parachuteClass = B_Parachute_02_F; // Type of parachute used when dropped in air. When empty then parachute is not used. parachuteHeightLimit = 40; // Minimal height above terrain when parachute is used. canBeTransported = 1; // 0 (false) / 1 (true) dimensions[] = {"BBox_1_1_pos", "BBox_1_2_pos"}; // Memory-point-based override of automatic bounding box }; };


No formatting sorry I'm on my phone. Found here :


don't know if it works for thingX though.

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  On 12/31/2019 at 10:57 AM, Mr H. said:

{ class Cargo { parachuteClass = B_Parachute_02_F; // Type of parachute used when dropped in air. When empty then parachute is not used. parachuteHeightLimit = 40; // Minimal height above terrain when parachute is used. canBeTransported = 1; // 0 (false) / 1 (true) dimensions[] = {"BBox_1_1_pos", "BBox_1_2_pos"}; // Memory-point-based override of automatic bounding box }; };


No formatting sorry I'm on my phone. Found here :


don't know if it works for thingX though.

Copied the code into the config.cpp, game gave me an error when placing the object of "No Entry 'model.cfg/cfgmodels/evo_oil_barrel.sectioninherit.


Didn't give me the option to load it.


Dunno if its related but I couldn't binarize it for some reason, just ended up packing it so i'm not sure if that could be doing it. Kept giving me an error code of -1073740791 and saying binarize task failed, even when I deleted that piece of code so I have no idea whats going on with the addon builder.

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Ok, I've rebooted the PC and reexported the model as it was causing the error it seems.


I can load the barrel into the back of the Xian, but I have to use scripting in the editor to get it to be loaded in, the unload works correctly from the vehicle however.

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