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Three new seb nam coops

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Hi I have made 3 new SEB NAM missions and would be interested in your feedback smile.gif

@C (8)Pegged.seb_iatrang.pbo

8 Special forces troops trapped and under constant fire, survive until Air Cav arrive.

[Features real original radio chatter from vietnam war]

@C (15)DeathInIaDrang.seb_iatrang.pbo

This mission is based on the account of the battle of Ia Drang from the point of view of an Air Cav soldier who survived (obviously). It also features real audio from vietnam.

@C (18)DeepPatrol.seb_iatrang.pbo

You have been ordered to strike deep into NVA territory eliminating a number of camps, outposts, recon units until you reach the main base.

The missions are zipped into one package you can download here.


The second mission pack can be downloaded here.

Includes: MarinesVsVC CTF, MarinesVsNVA CTF, Pegged V2

Edit: ADDONS Required: SEB NAM V2, Kegetys Editor Update 1.11

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Ok now that people have had some time to play them what's the verdict?

If these are fairly sound (without bugs) I'll move onto my next projects.


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Yes, I guess you are right, in general, most of the players on Gameplanet were playing them all last night so i'd appreciate their feedback also but thx Avonlady.


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If you want my knee-jerk reaction, long missions with no respawns usually are pretty bad. you can put a lot of time into it and die right at the end, or die in the beginning and seagull for an hour.

i'll try them though...

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i'll review them later, i have to reinstall nampack and seb ia drang valley for some strange reason

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DeathInIaDrang - Respawn

DeepPatrol - Respawn

Pegged - No respawn but it's a 10 minute mission, the objective is to last at least 10 minutes and thats part of the fun.

Note: These are multiplayer coops, meaning I designed them with teamwork in mind meaning you will not experience the mission if you play by yourself.

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Downloaded and uploaded to our server. They will be tested asap.

Thx for providing more food to the hungry smile.gif

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I tried pegged with a freind, it was really cool! Vc and NVA were all over us, one thing is that one part of the perimiter didint have sandbags (side with ammo crates if i recall) and even though there are lots of bushes the fire was so intense that we kept getting wasted through the bushes so you might want to add some there. We got sick of being overrun so we esacaped and evaded to the backup LZ cleared it and finally we got rescued !

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Great to see someone finally realised if you want to live you have to find your own way out smile.gif

Yeah the Air Cav may choose to land at the Backup LZ if they think Tango is too hot. But the funny thing is Tango is hot from the word go, sometimes they brave it and you have all Air Cav landing and piling out of the hueys to rescue you.

Glad you enjoyed it, I have a new version where the VC and NVA setup mortars and MG nests if you don't wipe them out quickly you are done for.

I also have a new Jungle CTF that the players on Gameplanet were loving last night, you can download the two versions of the CTF and the new version of Pegged here.

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