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Resistance single player missions

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Just a quick question: is it possible to complete all the missions successfully in Resistance? I'm having a hard time doing the one where you have to listen to the officers' conversation at the farm. I can get in alright, but can't get out without been spotted. It's seems that even if you are prone and well hidden in vegetation, someone still spots you, almost as if this a trigger that you can't avoid. I can shoot may way out, but that breaks the mission objectives.

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The most difficult thing is to avoid the patrols. If you watch the patrol ways of the patrols you should be able to sneak in and out without beeing spoted.

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Ok, well, thanks. I tried to watch the patrols, but it's difficult to do that without being spotted yourself.

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Thanks. I did it eventually. But I had to get killed a few times in order to watch and time the patrol. This is like cheating to get the data.

However, I can't see how it's possible to observe the patrol without getting shot. It seems like if you can see them, they can see you, and bang!

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I must admit I "cheated" on this mission. I crawled around so I was opposite the broken wall through which the soldiers are talking, hid in bushes about 50m away and put the time onto X4 so the patrols were whizzing around. That allowed me to guage the best time to crawl to the wall and get inside to hear the convo before sneaking back out and return for completion. Sneaky eh wink.gif

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was noone ever struck by the idea of waiting till dark? biggrin.gif

btw. sneaking in from E and going in thru the S wall is best IMHO...

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I just shot everyone in sight - I know it's against orders and you get a failed mission, but it's bloody good fun and you do get to go on to the next mission.

Had a hell of a firefight in the courtyard though.

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