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Way to increase render distance of IR laser?

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Currently, the max render distance of a weapon-mounted IR laser is 1.7km on max settings all around. Any further and the laser disappears. So I was wondering if there is a mod out there that I haven't been able to find or a script that exists to increase said render distance. Is there an engine limitation or something or what the case here

The whole reason I'm asking is because as an arma pilot it would be really easy for me to just ask for a weapon-mounted laser or laso to acquire the target and also add one of these lasers to the aircraft to spot targets for friendlies on the ground with a IR laser. 

Any insight would be greatly appreciated thanks!

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I suspect it's hard coded in the weapon config.

Haven't tested myself, but my interpretation of the below link would be that irDistance is what you want.



Curious if that is native to the weapon only though. Might also be worth looking for similar values in the IR laser item itself.

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Hi TSTRONGSHARK have you find any solution to increase the max render distance of the IR Laser ? 

I just tried to modify the irDistance value in weapon config but it doesn't work apparently...

Any help will be very appreciated ! 




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