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Donny Quixotic

Sloppy faction mods, faction category inheritance, and Achilles Reinforcements Module

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In short, I made a faction mod by using Drongo's Config Generator to create new units based on units from other mods and official platform updates. I took the faction mod config file into Notepad++ and edited it to add editor subcategories for my units to help improve organization and scenario compatibility. One problem remained: many of my units did not appear under the category of my faction in 3DEN or Zeus (though some arbitrarily did). Instead, they appear under the subcategory I assigned them, but under the faction category that the unit I had built them upon belonged to. This includes infantry, vehicles, turrets, and other such hardware. Squads and groups appear to function fine.

In order to solve this, we went into the configs and added a class editorCategory under the same display name as the faction, then assigned this category to all the units in cfgVehicles. they all appeared, neat and organized, as desired. This for some reason broke compatibility with the Reinforcements Module of Achilles, and now my faction no longer appears under the Vehicle Faction selection dialogue, although it still appears under the squad selection dialogue for the same module. Since Achilles reinforcements only handles infantry in the form of groups, I think the issue at hand is not limited to only vehicles, but all units under cfgVehicles including infantry and others. Just as well, in cfgVehicles, all the units are assigned to my faction, and should be appearing under the appropriate category, but don't. There is no issue with selecting the faction as a playable faction in scenarios like Dynamic Recon Ops, and if the classname for the faction were somehow wrong in the config files, I would be getting all kinds of errors.

This leads me to believe that, somehow, there is an issue with my units inheriting the faction editor categories of the factions their base units originated from. This is strange, because unless a unit can somehow belong to more than one faction simultaneously, they should not be inheriting these classes and the original faction category should be completely overriden by the new one.

I am ready to provide photographic examples as necessary for clarification, and my config as well.

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