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I know that there is an Altis Life forum, however it is dead along with the topic originally created for my problem. So I'm needing a little bit of help regarding this. I'll link the forum after I dedscribe what's going on. 


Almost everything works fine, I can get in game, load in etc. My problem comes in 2 sections, one being, when I set the codebreaker, and finish the countdown, nothing happens. No visual effects to show that it happened or anything. I don't care about the visual effects its just that there's no scroll wheel option, or any option for that matter to "Open Safe". So i can't collect anything either way. Secondly, my static trader is kind of weird as I can walk up to him and trade, however, the scroll wheel is acting funny because it only appears as a tiny box and you can't actually see the selection menu. I can still press "spacebar" and access the cash for money shop etc. Just the whole visual aspect isn't there. Any Ideas on how to fix these two things?

If you need any files from me I'll be happy to drop them here. I'm just hoping someone here has ran an altis life server of there own and is familiar with this secondary bank script.

Thanks for the help in advance. 

Secondary Bank topic here

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