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Strela & v-80 problems

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This is my first post on this forum. I just bought the GOTY edition of Flashpoint after having played the original game for ages. The game works fine, but I have this problem with both the Strela Launcher and the V-80 Helicopter. The problem with the Strela is that when I choose ammo for the Strela in the weapon selection screen the picture of the Strela rocket can't be displayed. Also, when I start the mission, I get an error message saying the Strela graphics file is missing. I can use the Strela though, and the missions work just fine, so it's not a big deal. The thing with the V-80 is more of a problem to me. For some strange reason the helicopter is rendered very ugly. Landinggear, weapons and textures are badly displayed or aren't displayed at all. The model looks very dull. I only have this problem with the V-80. Can anybody help me out?

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Regarding the missing .paa file: That is a thing BIS seems to not bother about. We, the community, have reported this missing image file for a very very long time. With one of the recent patches, this missing file and some others were finally included, however I am afraid that an unpatched GOTY installation (1.85) still lacks the .paa. Once you installed 1.90 or 1.91beta, the problem should be gone.

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Thank you, I'll give it a try. Do you also have a solution for the V-80 problem? The helicopter looks nice on my friend's v1.85 of Flashpoint GOTY.

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Strange..  I've been getting into addon making recently and have noticed some strange texture problems also...  

Textures that are surely mapped and there when I make it and then not there on certain peoples' computers.  (TAAB Addon)

Textures that look clear on my friends' computer, but do not on mine.  

So..  I'd say (this is just my suggestion) update all your drivers for your graphics card and such, and hopefully that could help.  (Hasn't with my probs though..)  


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Yes, it's a very strange bug...I've tried both some old 28.32 nvidia drivers and the newest 41.09 drivers but no improvements. I have windows xp installed. Perhaps I wouldn't have these bugs with windows 9x. Unfortunately I happen to have all the bugs reported smile.gif Like the CTD when using the Laser Designator and the strange crackling sound when using EAX. But I still love this game, the bugs aren't that bad.

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I have both GOTY & the orig. OFP stuff (incl. all upgrades) and when I installed GOTY,

I got the "missing strela" message too.

What I did was getting the pics from a friend & then re-stuffed the pbo.

I believe it's hidden in the "equip"/m and "equip"/w

(mag's & weapon brief. pad pic's.)

The folder (or pbo file) where these folders are stuffed is called DATA,

as far as I can remember. confused.gif PS. I have 1.90 but don't want 1.91

as it tend to crash my game for some odd reason?!

BTW. Another annoying bug ( also ages old ) is the missing repair/fuel capability

of the support trucks on the RESY side ...


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