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Can someone explain how to make a respawn location on players

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I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make a respawn on other players for multiplayer. We have it in Apex campaign, Escape missions, etc so I know it's possible. How can I put this into my Eden missions? I've been told it is possible without scripting. Yes, I have already read the BIS page, but I don't know how to use this since there is no example explaining the an entire working system. There are only single line examples with no info on which init to place in or what units/objects require variable names.  I'm not a scripter or advanced user.


I just want to have a respawn on players, AI, or even a dynamic area respawn. Can anyone explain to me how to use this? I want to know how to make a working player-based respawn from start to finish.


myRespawn = [missionNamespace,"arena","Battle Arena"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;


Appreciate any help, thanks

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I'm not sure about how to go about it without any scripting. You could try this:


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