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Skip Waypoint Trigger Type Skips Task

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In a mission, I have one task created at the start and set as complete when a trigger becomes active and another task that has its create module synced to the trigger so that it is created when the trigger becomes active.

The trigger also needs to cause groups to move on to the next waypoint, so its type is set to Skip Waypoint.


However, when the type is set, the first task automatically completes as soon as I start playing, and the next task is assigned.

If I change the type to none, this does not happen.


What's even weirder is that the trigger doesn't activate until much later, I have a hint message in On Activation that does not show up until much later when the trigger is actually activated.

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Also, the second task is created regardless at the start of the mission.

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Well we will need more information. Like what kind of condition do your triggers have. Especially the one activated for no reason as it seems.


In general when you use modules, it is best to have the triggers separately:


  • A trigger that connects with the create task module.
  • A trigger that connects with the set task state module and completes the task.
  • A separate trigger that has the same condition with the above and that connects with the next create task module. In this one we place a 5 second delay so as for tasks to be more apparent to the players.

And you do not have to use a skip waypoint type. To activate a waypoint later on you can just place a move waypoint next to the units so as for it not to do anything. Place the set trigger activation line there and afterwards the second waypoint will be activated.

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Well, the trigger isn't activated at the start, I have the hint message in On Activation to check this.


Is separating the triggers necessary, or is it just good practice for organization, etc.?


And do you mean that as long as a waypoint is connected to a trigger with Set Trigger Activation, it will skip that waypoint even if the trigger type is not skip waypoint?

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Just checked, the skip waypoint type is required for the connection to work.


Edit: Using a different trigger for the task modules worked, thank you.

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Is separating the triggers necessary, or is it just good practice for organization, etc.?

It is good practice for organization but it also helps to make things work in some cases.



And do you mean that as long as a waypoint is connected to a trigger with Set Trigger Activation, it will skip that waypoint even if the trigger type is not skip waypoint?

It does not skip it. The move waypoint tells the unit to go where he already is. In the editor I try to keep things as simple as possible.



Edit: Using a different trigger for the task modules worked, thank you.

Nicely done  :thumbsup:


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