eZeK 0 Posted May 28, 2019 Hello, I'm looking for a way to remove an ace3 base action: the "take prisonner" action accessible by pointing the right target hand. Here is why i would like to remove it: I'm making an hostage script called by an aceAddAction. When executed, the hostage become autonomous and do what he has to do: go out a building and embark a vehicle. The thing is: the base Action : "take prisonner" makes my script kind of useless! I do not want the player to take prisonner and escort it due to the high number of hostages. I want to save time. I know how to remove an action i put myself using the "ace_interact_menu_fnc_removeActionFromObject;" function. Spoiler [object,0,["ACE_TapShoulderRight","myAction"]] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_removeActionFromObject; I think i understood that i need the Ace action class name (ex : "ACE_TapShoulderRight"). The one i would like to remove seems to be called : "ACE_ApplyHandcuffs" found in "ACE3/addons/captives/CfgVehicles.hpp" : https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/addons/captives/CfgVehicles.hpp. so, i would try something like this : Spoiler [object,0,["ACE_ApplyHandcuffs","myAction"]] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_removeActionFromObject; But i'm unable to find the name of the action i should put between quotation marks where "myAction" is written. I searched the gitHub without any result. Maybe because Ace is too advanced for me! So, i'm here to ask for help! Does anyone of you know a way to find what i'm looking for? Or just a way to do it? (would be great!) Is it at least possible? Thanks for any help, and thanks for reading! Cya Share this post Link to post Share on other sites