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Darker sat image

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Hi all
I would like to apologize in the first place, if this question has already been asked, but after many researches I have not found an answer that can help me.


The question is as follows:
I can't figure out how I can get a rendering such as the one in the image below (blur and darker effect) my own satellite image is brighter and sharper in comparison.

I tried to decrease the brightness (I use GIMP) without success, the image on the ground was very ugly, I tried to change the parameters:


  • terrainBlendMaxDarkenCoef
  • terrainBlendMaxBrightenCoef
  • Mapdrawingbrightnessedit


No more success... someone could help me either I do not understand or I had to forget something...


Do I just have to place a dark mask over it?


A other sat image (Altis in this case) :



My own :



Thanks in advance.

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yep, jump on the #terrain_makers channel, its a lot more active then here

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