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Arma 3 Texture texture Templates Creations

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I have looked into the Bohemia forums specifically at the Community Texture Templates. I have these templets many of time and have had great luck in making quality content but have found this is not enough. I have found the basic Arma 3 thing such as the basic carrier rig and uniforms of sorts, but am missing a few essentials. Such as misc helmets and berets (basic Arma 3 bits). Yes, I could just pick up random PAA and use them, but the quality will never compare to if I have a PSD with the proper hight maps and with ambient acclusion. I have done some search for the misc Arma 3 headgear and etcetera but was wondering if there was a way I could create them myself. If anyone has some useful links or threads that have already been answered about this topic it would be greatly appreciated! 

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You'll need to locate the pbo file with the original textures and then if you already have some photoshop knowledge this is basically what you want to do: 


Edit: Not the best tutorial video and does not show photoshop, but essentially you want to convert the nohq image to black and white and use that to give texture to your camouflage. There are better tutorials out there, but this one was short and showed the most relevant portion. If you are familiar with the community templates and photoshop then this will get you were you need to be to make your own template. 

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