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I quit trying! damn o2 refuses to work!

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This is ridiculous!! I see a lot of desperate people asking desperate questions about this f***ing O2 viewer not working or about errors they receive or the g*damn thing not even loading up and STILL I'm in square one! I've tried, tried, retried and tried again and nothing! I've followed EVERY G*DDAMN instructional/tutorial there is on the Web and NOTHING! I've asked questions and STILL NOTHING!!!

What good is it having a troubleshooting forum if none of the gurus help us out?! Its like the deaf leading the blind around here! I've asked questions in every OFP site I can think of and with the exception of two or three kind souls responding to my pleas, I'm still stuck! THIS SUCKS!

I've had it it with this O2 viewer, O2light, root drive, fake drive, etc bullsh*t! I realize its a wonderful tool to have, but what good is it if the new guys can't even load it up?! I've haad it...BIS can shove it in their collective asses! mad.gif

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Guest BratZ

You must understand O2 was released without support and it is somewhat frustrating.

They did provide the forums which is a blessing.

It seems all the Gurus are busy and it is the holidays an such and I am left here running my mouth.

I am far from a guru but am beyond the begineer stage thankfully, and its coming to me now and where is everyone?

But nevertheless i feel your sorrow and I hope you don't give up? I do recall when I first got O2 I did get UE'S (unhandled exception or fatal...common in Tribes 2 LOL)

I think the flashpoint.cfg did fix the problem for me but I don't rceall exactly what the problem was I had

Maybe I did have to change something I don't remember

In your situation I might try current video drivers or changes in the config for them,latest direct x,swap file ,memory errors

or who knows ...list goes on

And it all goes back to the troubleshooting sections here on the forums or somewheres theres prolly a better answer that I could give

And you realize there are old breathe forums that you can only read now?

Unfortunately I have studied these forums and I don't have the answer...maybe if you could show the .rpt files that O2 gives I could be of further help

And Happy New Year!!!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think the flashpoint.cfg did fix the problem for me but I don't rceall exactly what the problem was I had

<span id='postcolor'>

you probaly had a error like cfg worlds or something with the 3d glide or something biggrin.gif

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Well first off I must thank you for your sympathetic tone. I appreciate it because I'm REALLY frustrated. As for the problem.....I've followed brsseb's tutorial to a T.  Everything he's written, I've done. (I have the ofpedit folder in the C: drive and also in the "fake" Z: drive. I've tried to launch it from both the C: drive AND the Z: drive and still nothing). I've even overwritten the .cfg.  EVERYTIME I launch the Objectiv2Light.exe, I get: "Objectiv2 MFC application has encountered a problem and needs to close" error. Then the blue sky/brown ground screen comes up and nothing else (not even the Main Editor window)! I'm telling you this ALWAYS HAPPENS. Then nothing else comes up...I have to exit using the CTRL/ALT/DELETE to get out of it! sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif

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i use Alt-Tab to get out of Buldozer then i edit and go to buldozer again, thats how i work. There are also people that let Buldozer run in a window.

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i must admit I've never heard of this fake Z drive before. What is it that caused you to have to do this, and state exactly what other problems you have had with it. I get the impression you have done this before, but this thread has now attracted interest, so it is likely your problem will be solved. Addon maing is unbelievably painstaking work, and you are certain to find that you computer actively seeks you out and attempts to stop your work succeeding at every possible oppurtunity. But it is worth it when you finally get something to work, and can send it to others wink.gif


It souns to me like you ahve definitely got buldozer working. As the other chap said try alt-tab ing out of it. you may find that oxygen is infact running?Unlikely I know but try it. And dont forget to post what other problems you have been having. wink.gif

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Chris, the Z: drive debacle was explained to me using brssebs O2 tutorial found at: O2  Tutorial

There you will find the directions I followed to install and run O2. I followed them exactly. Please tell me if they are wrong. Did you install it the way it states in the tutorial? If not, how did you do it? Do you doubleclick on the buldozer file OR the Objective2Light file?  Everytime I click on the budozer fiule I get a sea with a square. Everytime I click on the Objeciv2light, I get the blue sky and ground screen, but NO main editor window comes up(and this is where I'll try the alt-tab thing. How'd you guys do it? I'd appreciate any details you and Vixer can throw my way. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to help me out.

I'm going to ty out the ALT-TAB thing and I'll come back and post the results.

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i think its because the bis textures are in the data folder, all directorys of BIS textures on their models have the path data not C:/operationflashpoint or something just data so the exe needs to be on the Z drive so it can find the datafolder i gues...

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Right, Buldozer should show a blue sky against a green, brown background. Until you can get Oxygen to work you wont be able to reconfigure it. But don't worry about that buldozer thing where you can only see the sea, it's a minor issue that can be fixed in about 10 seconds once you can get Oxygen to run. That is your main priority. i must admit I didnt have to use the Z file thing. I simply unzipped O2 to my folder in C drive and it gave me no hassle at all. I'll check out that tutorial to see what brsseb says about the Z file and come back to you. wink.gif

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Right I see what he has done. If you get can Buldozer to run okay (which by the sounds of it you can) then what brsseb has stated has probably worked okay. its a clever trick to avoid having un-foldered files lying about your root directory. Personally my files have just been unzipped to my root directory i.e. C: . I haven't encounterd any problems with this at all. I doubt very much that the problem lies here though. If it did buldozer would not run at all. There some files which need to be move to your oxygen folder (the bit where the start up icon is for oxygen). If you have not read them yet I would advise reading through the readme files that come with the oxygen download, because if you haven't followed those instructions oxygen wont run. I state again i dont think its the Z drive bit that causing your problem. Check the readme file I mentioned again wink.gif


Hmm... it appears I was wrong in the sense there is no readme file with the download. I know I had to copy some thing regarding a .dll or .dle file to another directory. Then I managed to find this, it might solve your problem, it sounds like it's the only thing missing. i also noticed that (if I am correct) brsseb doesn't state it in his tutorial. If really scratch the outer limits of my memory I seem to remember getting the same error message as you and I think copying that file solved it. i can't promise anything but try this:


1. Download O2_light.zip and 02_viewer.zip….doh!!

2. Unzip O2_viewer.zip into a root of a drive for example you should have C:\Buldozer.exe

3. Unzip the contents of O2_light.zip into a folder in the same root eg. C:\Oxygen\

***This is to help your textures show up better in Buldozer I


4. Go to the installation folder of your copy of Operation Flashpoint and copy Flashpoint.cfg in the same root folder with buldozer so C:\Flashpoint.cfg (overwrite the existing file there).

***This bit may be causing your problem

5. Copy Pal2pac.dll and Pal2pacE.exe from root to the oxygen folder and run the Pal2pacE.exe

I think it's from a group called internal editing. Anyway I know a guy named Soul Assassin is involved. He's helped me a few times before. See if this helps wink.gifxmas.gif

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Nope..I tried all your suggestions and instructions, but I still get the "unable to open external viewer" error. Once I click "ok" it takes me to the Main Editor window The one that displays the grid boxes WITHOUT seeing an ocean nor a blue sky/brown ground screen. I know this isn't right BUT I tried to view a .p3d file and it DID open it. Problem is I can't zoom, I can't do much once I get into the .p3d file.  We're close..I can feel it..BUT I know I still don't have it right so I don't want to start a project only to find out something won't work down the line...still perplexed. sad.gif

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lol! i am a newbie just like u and had my share of frus too, but patience pays dividends. smile.gif

Now let see how far u have progress:- Seems like:-

1. U got the main editor working = 02 is functioning.

2. Zooming, manapulating vertices are from the keys - so its okay if u cant zoom or rotate.

3. Zoom Screen is + key,

move screen(camera) around is alt key and right mouse button.

rotate screen in 3-d view is alt key + left mouse button.

Shift vertices is select the vertice first then right mouse button.

Rotate object ( not screen) is left mouse button with ctrl key.

these are just some of the keys, a tutorial would be good. Do be put off like me when i got the main editor up and didnt know what to do! Read up and u should do fine ;-)

4. Seems like now your buldozer is not working, buldozer is the one where u can preview your model in 3 d view.

Solution:- a - place buldozer exe in C:\ , not as a folder.

b - copy and place flashpoint.cfg into C:\, not as folder.

c. - lol! i just simply unzip the entire buldozer zip into my C:\ and not as a folder cos i couldnt open buldozer initially. Hope it helps.

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Ok, I think I'm making progress here. I'm able to work on some objects BUT, I don't have the Zoom option AND when I want to view the object in OFP, instead of it being the daytime, blue sky/brown earth viewer, I get a dark, dreary looking (barely visible) landscape. Whats THAT all about? What may be causing this? confused.gif

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Not sure about the deary blackground - never experienced it before, could it be your comp display setting at 256 colours or have tried re-installing it?

Zoom function - hmm....did u select the screen first then press the + or - keys? didnt experienced it b4. Guess someone else can share about this 2 problems.

Next, as usual, i guess u will face problem with texturing.

Brssb has an excellent tutorial on that but should u, like me, have problems with the A and B key in texture, perhaps i will share how i work around the problem, entering the texture manually.

1. create a folder in C: drive - eg:- C:\crate

2. Place the textures and p3d files there.

3. Open 02, create the box, select the face u wanna texture.

4. Should the A and B keys not texture the face, no worries, press E key.

5. E key will open the face properties dialogue.

6. at the bottom of the dialogue, look at the folder icon and click on it.

7. C drive files will open, just select the folder and texture.

8. On the left hand side u will see U and V figures, all at 0.000, these to put simply, are akin to x and y co-ordinates:- A brief explanation is -

a - imagine a square on a graph paper

b. the first point of a square on the left hand side will start at 0,0 ( x axis = 0, y axis = 0 )

c. moving to right from 0,0 to the next point, the next co-ord will be 0,1.

d. From there u move upwards, the point will be 1,1

e. from this point moving to the left will be 1,0.

f. therefore there will always be 4 points of square and the co-ords will be always be 0,0; 0,1; 1,1; 1,0;

9. Key in the co-ords into the 4 boxes - U-0, V-1; 2nd row - U-1, V- 0, 3rd row U-0, V-1; 4th row U-1, V-1.

10. Click ok.

11. preview in buldozer, should your pic be upside down or anyside, just play with the 4 points co-ord system to rotate your pic about.

12. The best way to ensure correct placement is go to the view that will u will see the pic as planer and do not select vertices from sides to apply.

13. Continue till u have texture each face.

PS:- Thanks to Soul Assasin, if u wanna apply jpg as tex, just click on the folder in face dialogue, select your project folder and then type in directly the jpg name, eg:- side.jpg ( only for jpg file)

-if u select odd shapes to texture, each and every face will have the same texture - eg, a sphere will have 72 faces and if u select all face then apply blue and black texture, each of the 72 faces will show blue and black bands.

Sigh...i know, next problem will be the LODs......lolol!!!!!

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Phil, you're doing GREAT! I've printed out both your posts. I'll see if they work. I'll be leaving on vacation this afternoon and will be back in 5 days. I'll update you VERY SOON.

Thanks to you and Chris and Vixer!

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I know what's causing the dark background problem. It's the part in the options menu in the main editor window where you have to configure something to "noland_dx" or somehting like that. check brsseb's tutorial again as I'm sure it's mentioned in there wink.gif

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Just got in from the X-port and am unpacking, but I WILL check up on your suggestion Chris and will post on my results. Thanks wish me luck

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