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Col Rambo SBS

Ammo Bunkers. Wont give me anything??

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I have ammo bunkers on a map, yet when I approach them to get some gear, I get no option to do so.

I have added the weapons + ammo to the bunker y using the AddWeaponCargo + AddMagazineCargo commands in the Int field.

What am I missing?

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I'm not sure if it's related to this problem, but when playing some multiplayer maps, I've had ammo boxes crap out on me, only to start working again after either a) moving far away from them and coming back, or b) using an item in my inventory.

I have no idea what's going on here, though. Sorry!

- PlaneShifter -

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Tried switching from gun to Bino's and back, and dancing a little jig arround the doorway, didnt help much at all.

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I have the same problem PlaneShifter refers to in "Lost Squad" the official mission in OFP. The ammo crates in town don't work and then after I leave dance a jig place an object then it's fixed.

If that doesn't do it try the ol' remake the bunker to see if the command veriables are typed correctly.

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