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onKeyDown script help (Resolved)

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I have been trying to get this script to work for a while now. I am trying to make a keypress (ideally "O", key# 39 I think), that will call a script to toggle between different "fadesound" commands on a DEDICATED server. I'm not looking for anything fancy, just the basics. There's 100% an error in my logic and any help would be appreciated. 


// line in initServer.sqf
earplugDisplayHandle = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", [] remoteExec ["dokeyPress_fnc", _this select 0]]; 


//fnc in initPlayerLocal.sqf

dokeyPress_fnc = {
	switch (_this) do {
		case 39: {
			nul = [] execVM "earplugs.sqf";



_plugNum = 0;

if (_plugNum ==  0) then {
1 fadeSound 1;
hint format["earplugs removed"];
_plugNum = _plugNum + 1};

if (_plugNum ==  1) then {
1 fadeSound 0.5;
hint format["earplugs 50%"];
_plugNum = _plugNum + 1};

if (_plugNum ==  2) then {
1 fadeSound 0.2;
hint format["earplugs 80%"];
_plugNum = 0};


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First of all, there is no reason to do that from server. Your EH "keydown"  is fine for local PC, then all clients (+ hosted if not dedicated)

So, this EH should be in initPlayerLocal.sqf with your function.


Try that:


togglingKEY18 = 0;
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {
    params ["_displayorcontrol", "_key", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];
    if (_key == 24) then {
        switch (togglingKEY18) do {
            case 0 : {
                hint "earplugs removed";
                1 fadeSound 1;
            case 1 : {
                hint "earplugs 50%";
                1 fadeSound 0.5;
            case 2 : {
                hint "earplugs 80%";
                1 fadeSound 0.2;
    togglingKEY18 = (togglingKEY18 + 1) mod 3;



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59 minutes ago, pierremgi said:

First of all, there is no reason to do that from server. Your EH "keydown"  is fine for local PC, then all clients (+ hosted if not dedicated)

So, this EH should be in initPlayerLocal.sqf with your function.


Try that:




I tried this with mild success. The script is constantly hinting the pressed key. I removed all my old scripts and I believe I still need the top line in initServer to have it function correctly.

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Works now with some modifications. Thanks a ton! The script must be inside initPlayerLocal.sqf and run before any execVM scripts/functions for some reason.


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